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Under-eye bags: how can they be avoided?

A particularly stressed and sensitive area, the eye contour is subject to multiple concerns, including the appearance of bags. To prevent them, it is appropriate to take care of it, by adopting certain actions and habits. Here are some tips to limit their appearance.


Under-eye bags: why do we develop them?

Under-eye bags form due to an accumulation of water (aqueous bags) or fat (adipose bags) beneath the skin around the eyes, weighing down the gaze. Adipose bags appear over time, when the production of collagen and elastin fibres, which act as support, decreases. Gravity then causes the fatty tissues to slide downwards, leading to the appearance of adipose bags. Aqueous bags, on the other hand, are the result of poor lymphatic and blood circulation. They primarily form when we are in a lying position, a state that promotes the stagnation of blood and lymph. This is why bags are more visible upon waking. It should also be noted that a lack of sleep or a diet high in salt can exacerbate under-eye bags.

Advice No.1: Get sufficient sleep.

For a rested gaze and a radiant skin, it is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours per night. A lack of sleep accentuates signs of fatigue, particularly under-eye bags. Indeed, when we do not get enough sleep, the body increases the production of cortisol, the so-called stress hormone. However, cortisol is capable of breaking down the skin's collagen, which weakens it and accelerates the appearance of adipose bags.

Lack of sleep can also be responsible for the appearance of water bags. Indeed, when we are tired, metabolism loses its efficiency, and most biological processes slow down. This is also the case for microcirculation. Water then stagnates around the eye contour and causes it to swell. For restorative sleep, health professionals recommend going to bed at a fixed time and avoiding blue light, physical activity, and the consumption of tea or coffee before sleeping.

Advice No. 2: Slightly elevate your pillow.

To minimise water retention under the eyes, consider slightly elevating your pillow. This promotes lymphatic drainage and blood circulation around the eye contour. Indeed, when the head is positioned in this way, blood and lymph are less likely to stagnate around the eyes and are assisted by gravity.

Advice No. 3: Massages to stimulate microcirculation.

Many biological mechanisms slow down with age. This is also the case for the blood and lymphatic circulations. To stimulate them and reduce puffiness, don't hesitate to perform gentle massages around the eye contour. When done regularly, these actions have a draining effect and help to decongest the puffiness. To do this, start from the eyebrow arch and make circles up to the temples, passing through the orbital hollow of the eye. Then lightly pinch the skin in this area before tapping it.

Advice No. 4: Limit salt intake.

Foods that are very high in salt tend to promote water retention and disrupt blood circulation, which can lead to water retention issues, subsequently causing heavy legs or contributing to the formation of fluid-filled bags. Salt is also responsible for increasing blood pressure.

When present in the body, salt exists in the form of charged ions, which strongly attract water. Therefore, when we consume salt, it ends up in high concentration in the blood and tends to cause a loss of water in the surrounding cells and tissues. The amount of water in the blood then increases, which in turn increases the blood volume and hence the blood pressure.

To avoid these inconveniences, it is advised to moderate the addition of salt in cooked dishes. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends not consuming more than 5 grams of salt per day, which equates to slightly less than one teaspoon.

Advice No. 5: An eye contour treatment with draining and/or firming action.

Some cosmetic treatments are specifically formulated for the eye contour, and aid in preventing puffiness. They often have draining and hydrating properties. To limit the risk of forming water-filled bags, we recommend using a treatment based on caffeine or cornflower hydrosol, active ingredients with a draining effect. You could, for example, try our eye serum, enriched with 5% caffeine and stimulating blood circulation, or our hydrosol, obtained by distilling organically farmed cornflower blossoms.

In order to prevent fatty deposits, it is recommended to rely on a tightening treatment, capable of stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin. For this, we recommend our eye contour cream, containing Q10. This coenzyme, naturally present in the body, helps to slow down cellular ageing and prevent the degradation of collagen, as well as the loss of skin elasticity. This cream also contains Prickly Pear oil, a natural extract known for its toning and softening virtues.

Note : Do not apply more than the equivalent of a grain of rice around the eye contour. Using an excessive amount of product could have the opposite effect to the one desired and congest the area.

Advice No. 6: Drink sufficient water.

For our eye contour and our skin in general to be plump and toned, it is necessary to stay well-hydrated by drinking a sufficient amount of water daily (minimum 1 L - 1.5 L). Moreover, good hydration promotes the proper functioning of the blood and lymphatic circulations and helps to flush out toxins. This, in turn, prevents the risk of fluid stagnation and the appearance of bags under the eyes.

Advice No. 7: Thoroughly cleanse your skin.

In the evening, the skin needs to "breathe" and be rid of all the impurities accumulated throughout the day. Therefore, it is necessary to cleanse it with a suitable makeup remover . This is also true for the eye contour area, whose sensitivity makes it more vulnerable to makeup and pollution particles. Allowing these to accumulate could dry out the skin and weaken it further, thus promoting the appearance of fatty pouches. To take care of the eye contour, we recommend our biphasic makeup remover, formulated without surfactants and containing gentle and soothing active ingredients.


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