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How to take care of your eyebrows?

Beyond their protective function, eyebrows enhance and intensify the gaze. When well-groomed, they also serve to highlight the features of a face. That's why it's important to take care of them. Here are some tips for maintaining your eyebrows.

Advice No.1: Do not over-pluck them.

To achieve a beautiful eyebrow shape, regular plucking is necessary. However, it is advised not to do it too often, as it may disrupt the growth of the hairs. Indeed, professionals recommend avoiding plucking a hair that is just starting to grow, as this could destabilise the hair follicle cycle. It thus seems preferable to wait until the hair reaches its normal size before removing it. Moreover, when you pluck your eyebrows, take care to do it in the direction of hair growth. Plucking against the grain could damage the hair follicle and the hairs may subsequently not grow correctly.

Advice : If you pluck your own eyebrows, we recommend using tweezers rather than wax or thread, as this method is easier to implement and more precise.

Advice No. 2: Brush your eyebrows.

Regular brushing of one's eyebrows using a small brush designed for this purpose aids in their care. Indeed, in addition to shaping them and giving them a neat appearance, brushing one's eyebrows helps to remove dead cells, dust and impurities accumulated throughout the day. Regular brushing thus contributes to keeping the eyebrows clean and healthy. Finally, it assists in evenly distributing eyebrow care products, such as oils or serums, thereby enhancing their effectiveness.

Advice No. 3: Regular exfoliation.

While it is common to regularly exfoliate the skin or scalp, eyebrow scrubs are less widespread. However, they have numerous benefits for this sensitive area of the face. Just like those intended for the rest of the body, eyebrow scrubs are carried out once a week and help to rid the skin beneath the hairs of dead cells. Furthermore, they assist in reducing the risk of ingrown hairs.

Please note : ensure to use a scrub specifically formulated for eyebrows to avoid damaging this delicate area.

Advice No. 4: Nourish your eyebrows.

To care for and enhance your eyebrows, we recommend regularly applying a serum or nourishing vegetable oil. By strengthening the fibres of the eyebrow hairs, these treatments also help to thicken them. Among the most recommended oils, we find avocado oil, coconut oil and castor oil, all three of which have proven nourishing properties.

You can also turn to the eyelash and eyebrow serum from Typology. Enriched with pea peptides (INCI: Pisum Sativum (Pea) Peptide) and castor oil (INCI: Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil), it strengthens and fortifies the eyelashes and eyebrows. It can be applied morning and evening and does not need to be removed with a makeup remover.

Advice No. 5: Remember to remove makeup.

If you are a fan of eyebrow makeup, it is crucial to remember to thoroughly remove it at night. Indeed, makeup that is not removed weighs down the eyebrows and weakens them. This can lead to increased hair loss. To avoid this inconvenience, it is important to remove the makeup. For this, use a gentle makeup remover, like our cleansing oil with a minimalist formula or our biphasic makeup remover enriched with strengthening, densifying and nourishing active ingredients.

Advice No. 6: A diet that is healthy and rich in nutrients.

A healthy and balanced diet greatly contributes to health and wellbeing. It also plays a role at the hair level and helps to strengthen the hair and eyebrows. Indeed, a diet rich in nutrients such as vitamin B, magnesium and iron helps to strengthen the hair follicles and thus contributes to taking care of the eyebrows. These nutrients are particularly found in whole grains, legumes, certain meats and some fish.

The underlying mechanisms vary depending on the nutrients. In the case of iron, it is known that this element is a cofactor of the ribonucleotide reductase, an enzyme that limits the speed of DNA synthesis. The cells of the hair follicle matrix are among the cells that divide the fastest in the body and can be extremely sensitive even to a minor decrease in the availability of iron. Thus, an iron deficiency can lead to a decrease in eyebrow growth.

It is also noteworthy that deficiencies in B vitamins have been linked to hair loss. Although the mechanisms at work are not fully understood, it is known that certain forms of B vitamins such as vitamin B2 play a role in the cellular development and energy production. Lastly, magnesium is necessary for the activation of enzymes involved in protein synthesis, including keratin. These enzymes are responsible for converting amino acids into polypeptide chains, which then combine to form the structure of keratin.

The consumption ofantioxidants, such as vitamins A and E, flavonoids, and carotenoids, is also recommended. These compounds protect the cells of our body from free radicals, including those at the eyebrow level. Free radicals, generated by overexposure to the sun, tobacco, or an unbalanced diet, damage cells and DNA. They can also attack the hair follicles of the eyebrows and disrupt their cycle, causing them to enter the telogen, or shedding phase, more quickly. However, free radicals can be neutralised by antioxidants. Spices such as turmeric and saffron, dried and oilseeds fruits, green tea, broccoli, artichokes, salmon and red tuna are all foods rich in antioxidants.

Advice No. 7: Protect your eyebrows from UV rays.

As previously explained, free radicals are harmful to the eyebrows. Therefore, it is essential to protect them from UV and other forms of oxidative stress. To do this, we recommend incorporating antioxidant products into your skincare routine. Antioxidant serums or creams are generally not intended for the eyebrows but rather for the entire face. However, do not hesitate to also apply them to your eyebrows, in order to protect them from free radicals.

sunscreen , we recommend not to overlook your eyebrows. They too will benefit from the protection it provides, thus shielding them from UV rays, which generate oxidative stress.


  • TROST L. B. & al. The diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency and its potential relationship to hair loss. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2006).

  • TOSTI A. & al. The Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Hair Loss: A Review. Dermatology and therapy (2019).


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