Différence gommage corps et gommage visage

What are the differences between a facial scrub and a body scrub?

The term 'scrubbing' refers to a mechanical exfoliation process designed to remove dead skin cells from the epidermis and unclog pores. Given that the skin on the face is thinner and more sensitive than that on the body, it is important to differentiate the scrubbing process depending on the part of the body being exfoliated.

Published January 31, 2022, updated on February 8, 2024, by Maylis, Chemical Engineer — 5 min read

What is the benefit of exfoliating?

Skin cells renew themselves every 28 days on average. From a biological perspective, the keratinocytes originating from the deep layer of the epidermis known as the basal layer, gradually migrate towards the surface undergoing various mutations. When they lose their nuclei, they are referred to as corneocytes. In other words, these are dead cells that make up the horny layer, the most superficial layer of the skin. These scales are then naturally eliminated through sweat and sebum. However, boosting cell renewal by performing a scrub once a week can be beneficial for the skin. This practice allows to prepare the epidermis for treatment, deeply unclog the pores and stimulate blood circulation. In summary, scrubbing helps to improve the skin's texture and overall appearance.

Note : Caution! It is important to avoid exfoliating more than once a week. Indeed, excessively accelerating the process of cellular renewal can lead to the appearance of certain skin conditions such as psoriasis. Furthermore, exfoliations should not be performed at any given time. It is more prudent to exfoliate before bedtime to allow the hydrolipidic film time to regenerate.

The body scrub versus the face scrub.

The major difference between these two types of exfoliation lies in the size of the exfoliating grains and/or their content in the formula:

  • The face:While the body has a relatively thick skin texture, the skin on the face is thinner and more sensitive. Scrubs containing a small amount of particles are preferred, and/or those containing micro-grains that are more spherical, not angular. However, the most sensitive skins will still prefer a peel (also known as chemical exfoliation) based on fruit acids such as lactic acid.

  • The body:A mechanical scrub, more concentrated in exfoliating grains and/or with larger particles than those found in facial scrubs, is appropriate. Depending on the areas, be sure to adapt your movements. Thus, the roughest parts such as the elbows, heels or knees require a more vigorous scrub to prevent the appearance of imperfections or ingrown hairs. On the contrary, the neck, groin or armpits require a less energetic scrub. However, for the décolletage, it is better to use your facial scrub, which will prevent this area from becoming fragile and irritated.

Our facial and body scrubs.

Typology has developed four scrubs using micro-exfoliating grains derived from the grinding of apricot kernels. The facial scrubs are less concentrated in abrasive particles than the body scrubs, in order to respect your skin. All our scrubs have a unique texture: they are gels that become an exfoliating oil under the effect of massage, then emulsify into milk upon contact with water, facilitating their rinsing:


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