Three products for a radiant, customizable tan — without UV rays

Three products for a radiant, customizable tan — without UV rays

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Méthodes pour faire disparaître rapidement un bouton.

How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast?

There are different types of pimples: closed comedones, open comedones (blackheads), papules (red inflammatory pimples without pus), pustules (presence of pus), nodules (painful pimples), cysts (deep, painful subcutaneous lesions). Sometimes unsightly, people prone to acne often look for ways to get rid of it fast. Here are a few tips on how to remove pimples.

1. Does Ice Help Pimples?

How to get rid of pimples fast? The first step to soothing a sore pimple is to apply ice. It does help with pimples. Wrap some ice in a cloth and press it onto the inflamed area for 3–4 minutes. Repeat several times a day to soothe the skin and reduce swelling.

2. Apply a Salicylic Acid-Based Skin Care Product.

Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) known for its keratolytic action, helping to eliminate dead skin cells (desquamation).

It also has astringent, regenerating and antiseptic properties. Salicylic acid prevents the growth and proliferation of fungi, viruses, and bacteria such as Cutibacterium acnes, the microorganism that causes inflammatory reactions in acne.

Its soothing properties also help combat skin inflammation. Salicylic acid is involved in the arachidonic acid cascade, inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins E2, the molecules responsible for inflammatory and painful effects.

Our local imperfections serum contains a 2% concentration of salicylic acid. It is also enriched with zinc (1%), a seboregulating and antimicrobial trace element. It is applied locally, in small quantities. Generally, one drop is enough for an isolated pimple in order to get rid of it fast. The first results will be visible after three days. We recommend applying this product in the evening only.

3. Use Tea Tree Essential Oil.

Tea tree oil is extracted from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia tree, native to Australia. According to INCI classification, it is known as “Melaleuca Alternifolia Leaf Oil”.

When present in a skincare product at a level of 1% or more, tea tree essential oil has demonstrated excellent bactericidal properties. It limits the proliferation of microorganisms involved in acne, such as Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. In addition, it regulates sebum production and mattifies oily, shiny skin. This sebum-regulating action also helps prevent clogged pores and the appearance of blackheads.

One study revealed that a gel containing 5% tea tree essential oil was as effective in reducing pimples as a lotion containing 5% benzoyl peroxide, a common acne medication. Tea tree oil also had fewer side effects than benzoyl peroxide.

Nevertheless, it's important to note 

that tea tree essential oil is highly potent 

and can cause redness and irritation 

when applied undiluted to the skin. 

For this reason, it should be diluted in a vegetable oil.

How to remove pimples with tea tree oil?

Mix one drop of tea tree oil with one teaspoon of vegetable oil. Dip a cotton bud into the mixture and apply directly to pimples. Repeat this process 1–2 times a day, as required.

What About Toothpaste?

Many people believe that toothpaste should be applied topically to acne pimples. This belief is based on the fact that toothpaste is said to contain drying (alcohol, baking soda, etc.) and antibacterial (formerly triclosan) ingredients.

However, toothpastes generally have a basic pH, unlike the skin, which has an acidic pH. Toothpaste applied to the skin therefore upsets the skin's pH, which in turn sensitizes the skin. Furthermore, it's important to note that toothpastes have been formulated for oral, not cutaneous, use. The cutaneous application of toothpaste could therefore be the cause of skin reactions, such as irritation or allergies (contact dermatitis).

In fact, a study by a dermatologist showed that the use of toothpaste by some women caused acne around the mouth.

The beneficial effects of toothpaste on acne pimples have not been proven in scientific literature. On the contrary, it could actually sensitize your skin and aggravate the existing problem. The use of toothpaste for acne pimples is therefore not recommended.

Note: An effective and natural way to dry out a pimple is to apply a “band-aid” of green clay paste directly to the pimple and leave it on overnight.

Sources :

  • SAUNDERS M. A. Fluoride toothpastes : a cause of acne-like eruptions. Archives of Dermatological Research (1975).

  • BARNETSON R. S. & al. A comparative study of tea-tree oil versus benzoyl peroxide in the treatment of acne. The Medical Journal of Australia (1990).

  • CARSON C. F. & al. Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil: a review of antimicrobial and other medicinal properties. Clinical Microbiology Reviews (2006).

  • HAMMER K. A. Treatment of acne with tea tree oil (melaleuca) products: A review of efficacy, tolerability and potential modes of action. Journal Of Antimicrobial Agents (2014).

  • ARIF T. Salicylic acid as a peeling agent: a comprehensive review. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology (2015).

  • VAN VUUREN S. & al. Commercial essential oils as potential antimicrobials to treat skin diseases. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2017).

  • KOCA U. & al. Tea tree oil and its use in aromatherapy. Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (2018).


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