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Acide salicylique et acné.

Benefits of Salicylic Acid for Acne-prone Skin.

Pimples can affect all types of skin. They are due to the presence of bacteria in the sebaceous glands. Salicylic acid in skincare products is a powerful antibacterial active ingredient to fight against these imperfections.

Published October 20, 2021, updated on February 27, 2024, by Maylis, Chemical Engineer — 4 min read

Acne: Definition and Causes.

According to the SFD (French Society of Dermatology), 15 million people in France are concerned by acne problems, including 3.3 million over the age of 15. This skin disorder affects about 80% of teenagers (15% of whom have severe acne) and nearly 25% of adults, especially women. It can appear on the face as well as on certain areas of the body (bust, back, buttocks, etc.). The first reason for consulting a dermatologist, this skin condition can lead to a lack of self-confidence and real psychological suffering.

This chronic inflammatory disease develops at the level of the pilosebaceous follicles: the sebaceous glands secrete too much sebum or too much of it, which clogs the orifices and causes pimples and/or blackheads. This is called dysseborrhea.

This disorder is often caused by stress, pollution and hormones. A poor lifestyle (lack of sleep, smoking, unbalanced diet, poor hygiene, etc.) can also trigger or aggravate this change in sebum, which causes the appearance of blackheads or blemishes. In addition, in this grease-rich environment, a bacterium usually present in small quantities on the skin, Propionibacterium acnes, proliferates, which causes an inflammatory response in the skin.

The Benefits of Salicylic Acid for Acne-prone Skin.

Salicylic acid is particularly recommended for acne-prone and oily skin. This active ingredient acts on several levels:

  • Cellular renewal of the skin:

Salicylic acid products activate skin regeneration. Thanks to its keratolytic properties, this active ingredient eliminates the dead cells on the surface of the skin, and inhibits the blockage of the pores at the origin of acne. Thus, it makes it possible to fight effectively against the appearance of the black spots and tightens the pores for a dye illuminated and unified.

  • Prevention of the development of bacteria:

The surface of the epidermis can be colonized by harmful microorganisms that unbalance the microbiota and lead to redness, irritation or pimples that are sometimes painful. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, salicylic acid prevents the proliferation of bad bacteria, such as Cutibacterium acnes, the microorganism that causes inflammatory reactions in acne.

  • Pain relief:

Acne-prone skin is often a source of discomfort. Pimples can cause stinging, itching and burning. The soothing properties of salicylic acid products reduce the symptoms of inflammation. Indeed, the active ingredient intervenes in the arachidonic acid cascade and inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins E2, molecules that cause inflammatory and painful effects. A treatment with salicylic acid for acne thus calms painful pimples and visibly reduces redness.


  • IL-HWAN KIM. Salicylic acid peels for the treatment of acne vulgaris in asian patients. Dermatologic Surgery (2003).

  • SEBASTIN F. Médicaments de l’acné. Actualités Pharmaceutiques (2014).

  • FRANK P. Topical azelaic acid, salicylic acid, nicotinamide, sulphur, zinc and fruit acid (alpha‐hydroxy acid) for acne. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2020).

  • RÈGLEMENT (CE) No 1223/2009 DU PARLEMENT EUROPÉEN ET DU CONSEIL du 30 novembre 2009 relatif aux produits cosmétiques.


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