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Critères de choix protection solaire taches brunes.

How to choose your sun protection when you have brown spots?

Sun-induced brown spots are often visible on the cheeks, hands, shoulders or even the décolletage...They sometimes occur several years after prolonged, repeated and unprotected exposure to UV rays: we refer to these as solar lentigines or age spots. But how can one effectively protect their skin once these spots have appeared and established themselves on the surface of the epidermis?

Brown spots and UV ray exposure, an undeniable correlation!

Brown spots are caused and/or exacerbated by a phenomenon known as oxidative stress. As a reminder, this phenomenon results from the overproduction of pro-oxidant species in cells, and/or the reduction of cellular antioxidant capacity, and can damage DNA, cellular membrane lipids, and proteins, leading to mutagenesis or cell death. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced by mitochondria and peroxysomes during normal cellular metabolic processes. However, ROS production can be heightened under pathological conditions, such as inflammation and cancer, as well as when exposed to exogenous factors, like ultraviolet (UV) rays.

The skin is the largest organ interfacing with the environment, and a significant source of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) which are induced by sun exposure. Epidermal melanocytes are particularly vulnerable to excessive ROS production due to their specialised function: the synthesis of melanin, which is stimulated by sun exposure during the tanning process. When melanocytes are disrupted, they produce excess and disorganised melanin, leading to brown spots known as solar lentigines. Be aware, the use of certain photosensitising medications can promote these types of brown spots. For your information, there are other types of hyperpigmentation such as melasma caused by hormonal fluctuations and exacerbated by exposure to UV rays.

Solar lentigines primarily appear on the parts of the body most frequently exposed (back of the hands, shoulders, face). Furthermore, lentigo can also be caused by skin ageing. With age, the skin fails to fully protect itself from external aggressions and deteriorates. A malfunction of the melanocytes is observed, associated with the exhaustion of their pigmentary potential at the level of the hair follicles. This phenomenon is also correlated with the consequences of repeated attacks of reactive oxygen species (or free radicals) on the nuclei of the melanocytes and the mitochondria. When this happens, the skin becomes vulnerable to UV rays, which are responsible for pigmentation spots then called "age spots".

To prevent this, at any age, it is therefore essential to apply a sunscreen suitable for your skin tone before exposure to the sun.

To combat brown spots, prioritise a sun protection that contains antioxidant ingredients.

Some active substances have the ability to stabilise free radicals, thus making them much less harmful to the skin and preventing the onset of various deteriorations such as dark spots but also wrinkles, skin sagging, etc...

vitamin C, the ferulic acid, the resveratrol and even the extract of limonium, etc... which will neutralise free radicals. Certain vegetable oils also have the ability to trap free radicals due to their composition. This is the case, for example, with karanja oil, particularly rich in furanoflavonoids (karanjin and pongamol) or even the vegetable oil of plum.

At Typology, we offer two facial sun creams with two different Sun Protection Factors (SPF): one with SPF 30 and another with SPF 50. Both are enriched with antioxidant agents such as karanja oil for the SPF 30 and limonium extract for the SPF 50.

Furthermore, the body is not immune to the appearance of sunspots, quite the contrary, so remember to protect yourself well. We also offer two levels of sun protection for the body, SPF 30 and 50.

Please note: even though sunscreen can protect the skin fromhyperpigmentation spots, we recommend avoiding sun exposure between 11am and 3pm.


  • DENAT L. Melanocytes as instigators and victims of oxidative stress. Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2014).


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