The "Adansonia Digitata Seed Oil" is none other than the I.N.C.I. name for theBaobab seed vegetable oil. Rich in essential fatty acids (omegas-6 and 9) which give it reparative properties, this oil nourishes the skin and prevents the appearance of stretch marks. Discover the properties of this ingredient and its usefulness in skin and hair care.

- Carnet
- Cosmetic Ingredients
- What is "Adansonia Digitata Seed Oil" and what is its utility?
What is "Adansonia Digitata Seed Oil" and what is its utility?
- In short, baobab oil
- The virtues of baobab oil
- In which skincare products can one find baobab vegetable oil?
- Sources
In short, baobab oil.
The baobab is a tree typical of Africa and emblematic of Senegal. It thrives in warm and semi-arid regions and can live up to 3,000 years, surviving long periods of drought. It is considered the largest succulent plant in the world and is nicknamed the "tree of life" in Africa. Cold pressing its seeds produces a vegetable oil with multiple virtues. It is indeed listed in the Senegalese pharmacopoeia for its anti-allergic and soothing properties.
From an organoleptic perspective, thebaobab oil presents itself as a clear liquid, fluid above 25°C, with a colour ranging from yellow to reddish. It emits a slight hazelnut fragrance and has a greasy feel. It is non-comedogenic, meaning it does not clog the skin's pores. In terms of its chemical composition, it is rich in essential fatty acids (linoleic acid, linolenic acid, oleic acid, stearic acid, palmitic acid), polyphenols, carotenoids and vitamins. In cosmetics, it is renowned for its softening, soothing and repairing properties ; thus, it is a great ally for dry, tight, sensitive skin prone to discomfort.
The virtues of baobab oil.
Thanks to its biochemical composition, baobab oil provides benefits both in skin care and hair application:
Combatting certain skin conditions such as acne and eczema.
Clinical trials have revealed that baobab vegetable oil can alleviate acne in some individuals, as well as eczema. This activity is due to the presence of linoleic acid, an omega-3 with recognised anti-inflammatory properties . In the case of acne, linoleic acid limits the activity of the sebaceous glands, thus preventing the pore obstruction that leads to the formation of comedones.
Diminishing red stretch marks.
As a reminder, stretch marks are tears in the dermal tissue composed of collagen. There are two types of stretch marks: the red stretch marks, which are recent and inflammatory and can be reduced with dermocosmetic creams, and the white stretch marks, which are older and impossible to fade through topical application. Restorative, baobab oil promotes the regeneration of skin tissues and can significantly reduce the appearance of red stretch marks.
Combatting skin dryness.
A study has shown that the palmitic and oleic acids found in baobab oil have moisturising properties. They retain moisture in the skin cells. Furthermore, the vegetable oil forms a protective film on the surface of the epidermis, limiting insensible water loss.
Purify the scalp and maintain the hair length.
When applied to hair, a study has demonstrated the activity of baobab oil on the reduction of oily dandruff on the scalp. It also helps to moisturise dry hair and strengthen fragile and brittle hair.
In which skincare products can one find baobab vegetable oil?
This vegetable oil can be found in facial care products, primarily lip balms, creams and serums, as well as in body care products such as repairing creams for hands and/or feet or even bath oils. Baobab oil is also a component in certain shampoos, conditioners and hair masks.
Thebaobab seed oil is a safe ingredient to use, well tolerated by all skin types. It does not present any contraindications, except in case of allergy. As it is not photosensitising, it can be used morning and evening.
Typology has developed the gel-in-oil stretch marks concentrated in baobab oil, maracuja oil extract, shea olein, sweet almond oil and in native aloe vera juice. This gel visibly prevents and reduces the appearance of stretch marks, while providing flexibility and elasticity to the skin.
OSMAN M. Chemical and nutrient analysis of baobab (Adansonia digitata) fruit and seed protein solubility. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (2004).
VAN DAMME & al. Adansonia digitata L. : a review of traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology. Afrika Focus (2010).
VILJOEN A. M. & al. Beauty in baobab: a pilot study of the safety and efficacy of Adansonia Digitata Seed Oil. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia (2017).
JAMNADASSB R. & al. Quantitative variation of fatty acid composition in seed oil from baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) wild populations in sub-Sahara Africa. South African Journal of Botany (2019).
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