Faire disparaître la cellulite.

Water, fat or fibrous cellulite: how to make them disappear?

Cellulite is an aesthetic issue that affects 9 out of 10 women, as well as some men. The deformation of the dermis, which leads to the formation of dimples, is caused by a build-up of fat or water. This can give the skin an orange peel-like appearance. In this article, we will explore methods to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Published February 28, 2023, updated on July 31, 2024, by Pauline, Head of Scientific Communication — 9 min read

Cellulite: What are we talking about?

Cellulite , also known as superficial lipodystrophy, refers to an abnormal accumulation of fats, water, or toxins . When these clusters enlarge, they form protrusions at the dermis level, eventually deforming it and giving the skin a grainy appearance. This results in the formation of dimples . The accumulation of fats or water occurs in the deep layer of the skin: the hypodermis. Once established, it is very difficult to eliminate cellulite.

Cellulite primarily appears on the thighs, buttocks, hips, and arms; its area of emergence depends on the anatomy of each individual. It should be noted that cellulite is not a disease and poses no danger to health. However, it can affect self-confidence and cause discomfort to the person concerned. Although everyone can be affected by cellulite, this phenomenon is more prevalent in women . It is indeed estimated that 90% of women develop cellulite during their lifetime compared to 2% of men.

There are three types of cellulite : the cellulite adipose, the cellulite aqueous and the cellulite fibrous. Different forms of cellulite can also coexist: we then speak of cellulite mixed. Their formation mechanisms, as well as the means to combat them, differ slightly.

Recognising and eliminating adipose cellulite.

The adipose cellulite is the most common form of cellulite. Presenting as a soft and non-painful dimple, it results from an excess storage of subcutaneous fats. These accumulate in the adipocytes of the hypodermis, the cells of the adipose tissue. This phenomenon leads to an hyperplasia of these cells, that is, their multiplication.

Adipocyte hyperplasia is typically followed by their hypertrophy, or swelling. The structural change in fat clusters distorts the dermis and impacts the skin's appearance: it becomes "lumpy" and adipose cellulite sets in. The main causes of its onset are: overweight, lack of physical exercise, a diet too rich in sugar, or genetics.

An imbalance between ingested and expended fat is often the culprit. The excess is stored in adipocytes, which promotes the appearance of cellulite. Heredity also plays a role, with certain genes determining a person's predisposition to store fat, and their ability to get rid of it more or less easily. The ATXN1 and UBE2E2 genes are particularly implicated in adipogenesis, that is, the formation of adipocytes.

How to eliminate adipose cellulite?

There are several methods that can be implemented to prevent the onset of adipose cellulite or to reduce its appearance:

  • Adopting a balanced diet : a diet too high in fats promotes the appearance of cellulite. To prevent it, it is advised to have a balanced and varied diet.

  • Maintaining regular physical activity : in addition to its numerous benefits on mental health, engaging in sports helps to rebalance the equation of fat intake / fat expenditure.

  • Massages : performing a kneading and rolling technique can notably stimulate the circulation of fats and water, and have a draining effect. Accompanied by the application of a toning treatment such as our caffeine body cream or our green coffee body scrub, this type of massage has a smoothing and firming action on the skin.

  • Radiofrequency : The emission of a very high-frequency electromagnetic wave allows the heating of the hypodermis and to promote lipolysis. The accumulated fat is thus eliminated and the adipocytes deflate.

  • Shock waves : these acoustic waves help to stimulate microcirculation and collagen synthesis, soften connective tissues, and induce lipolysis.

  • Subcision : a micro-blade is used to penetrate the subcutaneous fat and release certain septa, thus leading to the elimination of cellulite dimples. The septa are the partitions separating the adipocytes.

  • Mesotherapy against adipose cellulite : this method is based on the injection of active substances with lipolytic properties.

  • Liposuction : this technique involves suctioning fat through cannulas inserted into the skin via thin incisions.

  • Cryolipolysis : this method involves exposing the area to extremely cold temperatures with the aim of destroying adipocytes, without damaging the surrounding tissues.

Water-based Cellulite: How to Eliminate it?

The emergence of aqueous cellulite is a result of water accumulation between the adipocytes in the hypodermis. The water retained in the skin tissues forms swellings and oedemas. This type of cellulite is often located in the lower limbs (thighs, calves and ankles). Forming a bump on the skin, it is soft and non-painful to the touch.

Water-based cellulite is primarily caused by a dysfunction in the venous and lymphatic circulations. The adipocytes slow down the elimination of water and toxins, which stagnate in the connective tissue and give the skin a dimpled appearance. The skin then begins to deform. Individuals affected by cellulite with water retention often complain of heavy legs.

Wearing overly tight clothing or shoes can potentially exacerbate poor circulation, as can excessive salt intake. Indeed, when tissues have a high concentration of salt, they attract and retain water, which limits its evacuation.

How to eliminate water-based cellulite?

There are several solutions to prevent the onset of water cellulite or to reduce its appearance:

  • Adopt a balanced diet : as previously mentioned, a diet too high in salt promotes the appearance of cellulite. To prevent it, maintain a varied diet and drink plenty of water.

  • Maintaining regular physical activity : aquatic sports are particularly recommended against water retention. Practised in cold water, they promote better blood circulation. Furthermore, water has a massaging effect on the skin.

  • Massages : similar to adipose cellulite, performing a knead-and-roll technique stimulates blood circulation and has a draining effect. The application of a toning treatment, such as our caffeine body cream or our green coffee body scrub complements its action, and helps to smooth and firm the skin.

  • Shockwaves : these acoustic waves serve to stimulate and enhance both blood and lymphatic circulation.

  • Mesotherapy against aqueous cellulite : this technique involves the injection of active substances with draining properties.

How to eliminate fibrous cellulite?

The fibrous cellulite is embedded, hard and painful to the touch. It sometimes takes on a purplish hue. The appearance of fibrous cellulite is due to the hardening of collagen fibres surrounding the fat cells. This phenomenon is caused by the glycation of these fibres, that is, the deposit of sugars on their surface. These modify their structure, which can lead to a loss of their function.

Collagen fibres typically have the role of providing tissues with mechanical resistance to stretching and pulling. When these fibres harden, the skin is pulled downwards, which compresses the fat cells between the partitions of the hypodermis, forming skin depressions that lead to dimpling. Fibrous cellulite can be caused by several factors, including a sedentary lifestyle, a diet too high in sugar, or heredity.

How to eliminate fibrous cellulite?

This form of cellulite is the most challenging to eliminate and few treatments show real effectiveness. It is therefore better to prevent its occurrence. Here are some methods for this purpose:

  • Adopting a balanced diet : a diet too high in sugar promotes the appearance of cellulite.

  • Maintaining regular physical activity : this helps to rebalance the ingested sugar / expended sugar equilibrium.

  • Massages : as in the cases of adipose and aqueous cellulite, performing a knead-and-roll stimulates the circulation of fats and water and has a draining effect. However, the effectiveness of this method in the case of fibrous cellulite is very limited.

  • Liposuction : this technique involves suctioning fat through cannulas inserted into the skin via thin incisions.

  • Radiofrequency : The emission of a very high-frequency electromagnetic wave allows the heating of the hypodermis and to promote lipolysis. The accumulated fat is thus eliminated and the adipocytes deflate.


  • RAWLINGS A. Cellulite and its treatment. International Journal of Cosmetic Science (2006).

  • HERMAN A. & al. Caffeine's mechanisms of action and its cosmetic use. Skin Pharmacology and Physiology (2013). 

  • SADICK N. Treatment for cellulite. International Journal of Women’s Dermatology (2018).


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