The essential oil of immortelle, also known as Italian helichrysum essential oil, is considered a prime ingredient in the fight against skin ageing. Indeed, besides its pleasant sensory properties, it is believed to have a beneficial effect on wrinkles. Learn more in this article.

- Carnet
- Active Ingredients
- Immortelle essential oil, an effective anti-wrinkle solution?
Immortelle essential oil, an effective anti-wrinkle solution?
Can Immortelle essential oil combat wrinkles?
It is natural to observe wrinkles gradually forming over the course of life. These small streaks result from a decrease in the number of fibroblasts in the skin, the dermal cells that produce collagen fibres, responsible for its firmness, and elastin, tasked with preserving its elasticity, as well as hyaluronic acid molecules that help maintain good skin hydration. Skin ageing is also accelerated by exposure to the sun's UV rays, which generate free radicals in the cells. These radicals damage DNA and proteins, including collagen and elastin, thus hastening the onset of wrinkles.
The emergence of wrinkles depends on both internal and external factors.
Typically extracted through hydrodistillation from the flowering tops ofHelichrysum italicum, the essential oil of immortelle is sometimes considered a natural solution for preventing and reducing wrinkles. Indeed, this essential oil, with its subtle scent of honey and curry, is believed to be capable ofinhibiting the activities of collagenase and elastase, the enzymes respectively responsible for breaking down the peptide bonds of collagen and elastin. According to an in vitro study, the median inhibitory concentrations (IC50) of immortelle essential oil would be 36.99 ± 1.52 μg/mL for collagenase and 135.43 ± 6.32 μg/mL for elastase. As a reminder, the IC50 corresponds to the concentration required to inhibit half of a biological process, such as the activity of an enzyme for example.
Furthermore, the Italian helichrysum essential oil has an antioxidant activity that is useful in combating skin ageing, particularly demonstrated during a DPPH test. This test measures the ability of an antioxidant to reduce the DPPH° chemical radical by transferring a hydrogen atom. The immortelle essential oil has shown its ability to halve the radical at a concentration of 17.61 ± 0.16 mg/mL. The antioxidant properties of the Italian helichrysum essential oil come from its interesting phytochemical composition, and more specifically from its richness in neryl acetate. By stabilising free radicals before they attack cells and their constituents, this botanical extract could slow down exogenous skin sagging.
The effectiveness of immortelle essential oil in combating wrinkles was investigated in a recent clinical trial. On this occasion, 31 women aged between 40 and 60 years, presenting with grade II-V wrinkles according to the Bazin wrinkle scale, were recruited. For 84 consecutive nights, the volunteers applied a cream composed of Italian helichrysum essential oil, melatonin and carnosine. The number of wrinkles, the volume of wrinkles as well as the depth of wrinkles, presented in the table below, were significantly reduced over the course of the study.
Parameters Studied | After 28 days | After 56 days | After 84 days |
Average number of wrinkles | - 11.1 % | - 10.9 % | - 18.9 % |
Average volume of wrinkles | Non-significant difference | - 8.1 % | - 14.8 % |
Average depth of wrinkles | Non-significant difference | - 6.9 % | - 7.7 % |
This clinical trial, coupled with the various in vitro studies detailed above, allows us to hypothesise that Italian helichrysum essential oil could potentially act against wrinkles. However, it is necessary to remain cautious. Indeed, the cream used by the volunteers did not contain only immortelle essential oil. It is possible that the observed anti-wrinkle effect is solely due to melatonin, carnosine and/or the synergy between these active ingredients. More clinical trials are required to conclude on the ability of Italian helichrysum essential oil to combat skin sagging.
Although further research is required to confirm the effectiveness of immortelle essential oil against wrinkles, the scientific literature provides promising evidence.
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MANDIC B. & al. Composition, Antioxidant Potential, and Antimicrobial Activity of Helichrysum plicatum DC. Various Extracts. Plants (2020).
NARDA M. & co. Night Cream Comprising Melatonin, Carnosine and Helichrysum italicum Extract Assists in Reducing Skin Reactivity and Indications of Photodamage: Ex Vivo and Clinical Studies. Dermatology and Therapy (2020).
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