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Dry Skin: What Routine Should You Adopt?

Dry Skin: What Routine Should You Adopt?

Do you think you have dry skin? Before taking action, a clarification is necessary: be careful not to confuse dry skin with dehydrated skin. Here are some tips to adopt the right skincare routine and regain nourished, more radiant and soothed skin.


What skincare routine for dry skin?

In order to regain comfortable skin, it is recommended to adopt a comprehensive skincare routine that combines essential daily actions (makeup removal and cleansing) with more targeted specific treatments (serum, face mask, etc…):

  • Achieving Clear Skin:

    In the evening, begin your skincare ritual with thecleansing oil composed of 7 ingredients, the texture of which will bring comfort to the skin. It helps to rid the skin of makeup and impurities, all without causing irritation. It also softens and nourishes the skin thanks to the sweet almond oil it contains, which is particularly rich in omega-9. Follow this morning and evening with a gentle and preferably superfatted cleanser like the hydrating wash treatment with palmarosa cold saponified, allowing the vegetable oils contained in the soap to retain all their lipid-replenishing and soothing properties under the action of heat. This hydrating soap will gently cleanse the skin, without aggression thanks to the 8% superfat it contains. You can then complete this beauty routine with a hydrating toner, which will rebalance the skin's pH, while eliminating any lime scale residues present on the face. Concentrated in hyaluronic acid and aloe vera, this lotion helps to rehydrate the skin and reduce feelings of tightness. It is only after these initial steps have been carried out that targeted anti-dryness treatments can be applied.

  • Provide lipids:

    After ridding the dry skin of the face of impurities accumulated throughout the day, it is necessary to deeply nourish the skin with the nourishing serum containing olive squalane . This lipid supply helps to repair the skin's hydrolipidic film and thus prevent water evaporation. You can complement this care with the application of a relipidating serum containing ceramides and lavender extract, which will reform the skin's hydrolipidic film, protect it from external aggressions and prevent water from evaporating.

  • Schedule a weekly appointment to exfoliate and nourish:

    Just like all other skin types, dead skin accumulated on the upper layers of the epidermis requires regular exfoliation. It is enough to incorporate into one's routine, on a weekly basis, a gentle scrub, such as the regenerating facial scrub with dual-action olive squalane. It will not only lift all the dead cells to allow the skin to benefit from the care it will receive afterwards, but also help to repair the skin barrier.

And the body?

If the skin on the face is dehydrated, it is highly likely that the rest of the body is too, especially in areas exposed to external aggressions and friction: hands, elbows, knees, ankles... It is therefore essential not to stop at this point, and to extend your dry skin facial routine to the whole body. In the shower, use the hydrating cleansing care, the same as for the face. Then apply morning and evening to the entire body either a 100% natural vegetable oil, making circular movements such as the argan vegetable oil. Alternatively, you can replace this oil with the 10-ingredient body moisturising cream. These treatments will nourish, hydrate and protect the skin. Of course, don't forget to protect your hands and lips, two sensitive areas that tend to dry out, especially in winter. For the hands, opt for the 10-ingredient hand balm rich in hyaluronic acid, saturated fatty acids, and antioxidants, to protect them from free radicals and reduce feelings of tightness and dryness. For the lips, apply the 9-ingredient lip balm. It will soften, nourish and protect the lips from skin dryness.

Finally, it is crucial to prevent your skin from accumulating dryness and dehydration. To do this, avoid exposing yourself to significant temperature variations, especially in winter. The other enemies to be wary of are UV rays, by adopting a sun protection throughout the year.

Some guidelines to distinguish between dry skin and dehydrated skin.

The difference between dry skin and dehydrated skin is very subtle, as they exhibit the same symptoms: tightness, flaking, and discomfort. However, dehydrated skin is simply thirsty and needs to be relieved with products containing water-derived agents. It's more of a temporary skin condition. However, certain signs can help you: for example, if your skin is uncomfortable in certain areas of the face but produces a bit of sebum on the wings of the nose, the forehead or the chin, or if it only feels tight in winter or after cleansing, lacks radiance, your makeup does not adhere well and pills.

In the case of a dry skin, the issue is deeper and less related to external factors, such as wind, pollution, cold, UV rays, even though these certainly do not help. It is not lacking in water, but in fat - also known as sebum - which contributes to the composition of the skin's hydrolipidic film. When this is weakened, sebum production decreases, the skin becomes more fragile and dries out. It's worth noting that dry skin is so by nature, in the same way as oily, combination or normal skin. It causes sensations of tightness, tingling in the most sensitive areas. To the touch, it is often rough. Visually, it can be recognised by the infamous "crocodile skin" effect and has signs of dryness, such as peeling skin. Finally, its lack of flexibility makes it particularly prone to skin ageing with the appearance of fine lines before the age of 30.


Understand your skin
and its complex needs.