Affecting a large number of people, primarily women, cellulite causes an unsightly deformation of the skin, giving it a dimpled appearance. To combat this phenomenon from within, certain "superfoods" are highly recommended. Aronia juice is one of these. Let's focus on its potential effectiveness against cellulite.

Aronia Juice: An Effective Berry Against Cellulite
The effects of aronia juice on cellulite?
Originating from the Rosaceae family, the aronia plant (Aronia melanocarpa) is a shrub native to the eastern regions of North America. Initially, Native Americans used these fresh berries for nourishment as well as for medicinal purposes. In phytotherapy, these berries are regarded as nutritious super-fruits. They can be consumed in various forms, particularly as juice. Aronia juice is often credited with effects against cellulite, but what is the actual evidence?
Aleksandra KONIĆ-RISTIĆ and her colleagues aimed to examine the potential beneficial effects of consuming aronia juice in the treatment of cellulite. Twenty-nine women aged 25 to 48 years with cellulite of grade 2 according to the Nurnberger-Muller scale (visible orange peel skin to the naked eye in a standing position) were included. All subjects consumed 100 ml of aronia juice per day for 90 days. Measurements of the biochemical and histological parameters studied were taken at 0, 45, and 90 days of the study.
A significant reduction in the thickness of subcutaneous tissue was observed in all subjects, with an average reduction of 1.9 mm. The length of the subcutaneous tissue fascicles (or dimples) was reduced in 97% of the subjects, with an average value of 1.18 mm. After 45 days of consuming aronia juice, a reduction in oedema was observed in 55.2% of the subjects who initially had oedema, while at the end of the study, no oedema was observed in the subjects participating in the study. Therefore, aronia juice could have beneficial effects on the overall condition of cellulite.
What are the mechanisms involved?
The pathophysiology of cellulite is characterised by the enlargement of fat cells and the reduction of blood circulation. Aronia juice is rich in anthocyanins, which are pigments, and phenolic compounds. It has been demonstrated that anthocyanins from blueberries can be effective in enhancing the redistribution of microvascular blood flow, and their phenolic compounds facilitate the repair of vessel lesions responsible for the permeability of small blood vessels.
Finally, studies have shown a positive effect of aronia juice on fat metabolism : its oral consumption may have a lipid-lowering effect by enhancing the breakdown of lipoproteins, which transport cholesterol, or by inhibiting the enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase, leading to a reduction in cholesterol synthesis and a decrease in its absorption into lipoproteins.
The effects of consuming aronia juice on cellulite could therefore be linked to these properties. However, further studies are needed to clarify these results.
BELCHEVA A. & al. Lipid-lowering effects of Aronia melanocarpa fruit juice in rats fed cholesterol-containing diets. Journal of Food Biochemistry (2007).
KONIĆ-RISTIĆ A. & al. Dietary Supplementation with Polyphenol-Rich Chokeberry Juice Improves Skin Morphology in Cellulite. Journal of medicinal food (2013).
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