New product T34: delivers an immediate healthy glow

New product T34: delivers an immediate healthy glow

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Astuces pour éviter les coups de soleil.

Why Should You Hydrate Your Skin After Sunbathing?

Red skin, blisters, itching. A sunburn is noticeable through various symptoms. This more or less superficial burn occurs after a stay in the sun, when the skin was not protected with sunscreens or the sun protection factor was too low. Here are our tips to avoid sunburn.

What Is a Sunburn?

Sunburn is also known as solar erythema and is a first-degree burn of the skin. It is caused by the UVB rays of the sun. This usually happens after a long stay in the sun without sunscreen, or when the sunscreen factor was too low for the person's skin tone. However, for some people with sensitive and/or pale, or low-melanin skin, sunburn can occur even after a short exposure to the sun of a few minutes. Sunburn is characterized by redness, sometimes severe pain and itching. In the worst cases, blisters can even form.

To protect the skin, melanocytes produce melanin (the pigment responsible for the brown color) during sunbathing. This migrates to the surface of the epidermis and colors it: this is what we call tanning. If the exposure to the sun lasts too long and/or the UVB rays are too intense, a sunburn replaces the tan. According to a study published just ten years ago, the biological process involved in the development of a sunburn is an inflammatory process. The sun's UVB rays damage microRNAs, which, once released into the extracellular medium, stimulate pro-inflammatory cytokines. A chain reaction then leads to sunburn on the surface of the skin.

To avoid this type of skin discomfort, you should follow several precautions:

1. Use Suitable Sunscreen

Choose the sun protection factor (SPF) according to your phototype, which is your skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. SPF (Sun Protector Factor) is an index that indicates the level of protection provided by a sunscreen. The higher the SPF, the higher the level of photoprotection. This index measures the ability to block UV rays. According to the FITZPATRICK classification, skin is categorized into 6 phototypes, which are defined based on hair color, skin tone, frequency of sunburns and tanning type:

  • Phototypes I and II: SPF 50 :

    Individuals with red hair, freckles and pale skin (phototype I) and individuals with blond hair and fair skin (phototype II) should opt for a sunscreen with SPF 50.

  • Phototypes III and IV: SPF 30 to 50:

    People with phototype III with slightly dull skin (phototype IV) should choose an SPF of 30 or even 50.

  • Phototypes V and VI: SPF 15 to 30:

For combination skin with phototype V or colored skin with phototype VI, a sun protection factor of 15 to 30 is sufficient to protect.

Phototypes III, IV, V and VI can therefore use our sunscreen for the face with SPF 30. It is enriched with aloe vera, karanja oil and hyaluronic acid from fermented wheat. The clever blend of these three ingredients protects the skin from UV rays while maintaining its moisture content.Bonus: The lightweight texture leaves a finish without white streaks, is non-sticky and non-shiny.

2. Expose Yourself to the Sun Gradually

A sensible, gradual exposure to the sun promotes skin thickening and creates an initial protective barrier against the sun's rays. In other words, gradual exposure to the sun gives the skin time to adapt to UV rays and initiate melanogenesis, the complex process by which the pigment melanin is produced in melanosomes by melanocytes.

A few minutes of tanning is enough to start the session. Increase the duration of exposure as the days go by.

3. Do Not Go Out in the Sun Between 12 and 16 O’Clock

At these times, UV rays reach their highest intensity, the radiation is very high, and they are particularly harmful to health.

4. Cover Yourself for Protection

Wearing a T-shirt or other loose clothing is also recommended to protect yourself from the sun's rays, such as at the beach. You should also wear a hat with a wide brim to protect your head, face and shoulders.

5. Do Not Apply Photosensitizing Skin Care Products

Some molecules in cosmetics are photosensitizing, meaning they increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun's UV rays. Therefore, be careful not to apply these compounds before sunbathing: lemon extract, A.H.A. (glycolic acid, lactic acid, kojic acid...), retinol, certain synthetic fragrances.

Source :

  • MUKHTAR H. & al. MicroRNAs in skin response to UV radiation. Current Drug Targets (2013).


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