Psoriasis attacks the skin in the form of periodic inflammatory flare-ups. As a chronic disease, it generates both physical and psychological impacts. There is no treatment that permanently cures psoriasis. However, certain treatments can alleviate the symptoms. Moreover, vitamins are allies in mitigating the effects of this skin disease. Which vitamins are suitable for psoriasis? Discover them in this article.

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- Which vitamins are good for psoriasis?
Which vitamins are good for psoriasis?
Psoriasis, in brief.
The psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease that primarily affects the skin and joints. It presents as red, thick plaques that shed. Psoriasis is characterised by an excessive renewal and accumulation of epidermal cells, leading to a local inflammation. Indeed, immune cells (T lymphocytes) are found in the skin for unknown reasons and produce inflammatory molecules (cytokines Il-17, Il-22, TNF-alpha ...) that stimulate the proliferation of keratinocytes. The renewal period of these cells, normally three weeks, then becomes three days. This results in an accumulation of immature keratinocytes on the skin surface, increasing the thickness of the outer layer (the cornea). This is referred to as hyperkeratosis.
The skin symptoms of psoriasis can affect any area of the body, from the ears to the tongue, including the genital areas which can lead to various clinical forms. However, the scaly plaques are generally located on the scalp, elbows and knees. They are sometimes accompanied by a rheumatism.
Which vitamins are suitable for psoriasis?
Vitamins are highly favoured for alleviating dermatological diseases. Natural and gentle, they reduce symptoms and combat psoriasis.
Here are the main vitamins that are allies against this skin condition:
Vitamin A.
Vitamin A aids in the activation of cellular renewalby stimulating fibroblasts, thereby promoting collagen production. Retinoic acid, the most acidic form of Vitamin A, has a beneficial effect in soothing psoriasis. It inhibits the development of Th17 lymphocytes by inhibiting IL-6Rα and IL-23R. Furthermore, Vitamin A has already demonstrated its efficacy in treating psoriasis. Retinoid receptors can be divided into retinoic acid receptors and retinoid receptors. These receptors assist the derivatives of Vitamin A to inhibit the growth of hyperproliferative keratinocytes and induce their terminal differentiation. Therefore, it is advisable to favour foods rich in Vitamin A in your diet such as: sweet potatoes, carrots, salads, spinach, etc.
Vitamin B12.
Vitamin B12 is a fundamental treatment for inflamed and scaly skin. Indeed, this vitamin suppresses the activation of NF-κB induced by ROS and the NF-κB dependent production of inflammatory cytokines by inactivating the NADPH oxidase. Thus, it reduces the symptoms of psoriasis and soothes the pain.
Vitamin D.
Vitamin D is a treatment used in the case of psoriasis. Indeed, analogues of Vitamin D such as calcipotriol or calcitriol are anti-proliferative, meaning they combat the excessive multiplication of certain skin cells, particularly on keratinocytes by inhibiting the progression from the G1 phase to the S phase. They contribute to regulating cellular renewal, thus reducing the formation of thick and scaly plaques characteristic of psoriasis. However, some studies advise against their use for treating genital psoriasis as the analogues of Vitamin D could be too irritating.
Furthermore, vitamin D helps to regulate the production of lipids necessary for the hydrolipidic film on the surface of the stratum corneum. Thus, vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of the hydrolipidic film which can act as a external protective barrier against the development of microorganisms and external aggressions, and prevent a psoriasis infection.
Vitamin E.
Vitamin E is highly regarded for its antioxidant properties. Being fat-soluble, it protects the skin from the effects of free radicals. Additionally, it maintains muscles and stimulates the formation of red blood cells. Although its effectiveness and benefits in psoriasis are not proven, it can contribute to skin protection.
KANG S. & al. Improvement of naturally aged skin with vitamin A (retinol). Archives of Dermatology (2007).
SOLEYMANI T. & al. The role of vitamin D in psoriasis: a review. International Journal of Dermatology (2015).
CHOUDHARY S. & al. Psoriasis: Role of dietary management in diminution of its symptoms. Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications (2016).
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