This refers to the I.N.C.I. name used to denote thecotton native cells. These have soothing and antioxidant properties. They alleviate irritations and increase the skin's tolerance level.

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- Cosmetic Ingredients
- What is "Gossypium Arboreum Leaf Cell Extract" and what is its utility?
What is "Gossypium Arboreum Leaf Cell Extract" and what is its utility?
- Plant native cells, how are they obtained?
- Cotton, in a nutshell
- Native cotton cells to soothe the skin
- Source
Plant native cells, how are they obtained?
Plant native cells are derived from a biotechnological process that involves several stages:
Selection of the plant and sampling : taking a piece of the plant (leaves);
In-vitro cultivation of the sampled plant piece: successive transplantations onto a fresh nutritive medium composed of water, minerals, sugar, and vitamins;
Elicitation: stimulation of cell culture through UV and visible light to produce metabolites (active molecules);
Rinsing : Removal of all traces of the nutrient medium;
Cell Filtration ;
Sonication of cells and dispersion of the extract in sunflower oil.
This technique aims to replicate and multiply cells from cell strains in a controlled environment. This process is not only beneficial for the ecosystem, but also allows for the preservation of all the plant's natural elements. Rich in essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals, the native cells thus obtained have a high molecular richness that provides them with a complementary action against other plant extracts (vegetable oils and essential oils).
Cotton, in a nutshell.
Originating from southern Africa, the cotton plant (Gossypium) is a shrub from the Malvaceae family. The plant fibre that surrounds the seeds of the cotton plant is none other than the famous cotton, primarily composed of cellulose. Cultivated for centuries for the production of textiles (cotton fabric, denim) and oil, this delicate plant requires warmth, irrigation, fertilisers and protection against insects as it quickly depletes the soil. Its cultivation, although demanding, is now widespread from the United States to Asia, via Africa. On this continent, it is used both as food for bovines and as a medicinal plant. Worldwide, the white cotton bales evoke both the idea of a cocoon and a sense of well-being.
Native cotton cells to soothe the skin.
The skin can be irritated at any time by various environmental factors,
it is necessary to limit the uncomfortable sensations it generates while maintaining its role as a barrier. Native cotton cells are recognised for two main properties:
Alleviate redness and irritation.
Cotton native cells exert their soothing action by inhibiting the activity of three inflammation mediators synthesised at the hair bulb level: two cytokines (IL1-alpha and IL-6) and a prostaglandin (PGE2). IL-6 regulates the activation, growth and differentiation of lymphocytes. It belongs to the group of proteins that trigger the secretion of antibodies to combat extracellular pathogens. PGE2 is derived from the phospholipids of cell membranes. It acts on the muscle fibres of vessels: vasodilation, increased permeability, oedema.
Reduce overall cellular oxidation by limiting the formation of free radicals.
There are numerous situations that can lead to an excess of free radicals (induced lipid peroxidation), such as: exposure to heavy metals and pollutant residues, UV rays, smoking, stress, and more. Native cotton cells limit the release of MDA (malondialdehyde) during lipid peroxidation induced by pollutant residues and heavy metals. MDA, naturally present in tissues, is a manifestation of oxidative stress. It is particularly produced by the action of reactive oxygen derivatives on polyunsaturated fatty acids.
ARSHIYA S. & al. Gossypium herbaceum Linn: an ethnopharmacological review. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation (2012).
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