
Hyperpigmentation presents as brown spots on the skin, resulting from an overproduction of melanin, often triggered by factors such as sun exposure, acne, or hormonal changes. Discover more information about this issue here.
FAQ about hyperpigmentation
  • Is laser treatment effective for addressing hyperpigmentation?

  • Can makeup cause hyperpigmentation?

  • Is hyperpigmentation permanent?

  • Is sun protection important in preventing hyperpigmentation?

  • Can hyperpigmentation be managed at home?

  • What are the main forms of hyperpigmentation?

  • Are darker skin tones more prone to hyperpigmentation?

  • Are exfoliating acids effective against hyperpigmentation?

  • Is hyperpigmentation a sign of health issues?

  • Do artificial UV rays (tanning booths) promote hyperpigmentation?



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and its complex needs.