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Keratosis Pilaris

A very common and benign skin condition characterised by numerous small bumps, typically skin-coloured but sometimes red, on dry and rough-feeling skin, giving a "goosebump" appearance. In some cases, these may be accompanied by itching. It usually presents on the upper arms and thighs, buttocks or cheeks. This skin condition occurs when there is hyperkeratinisation of the pilosebaceous follicles (thickening of the horny layer around the hair follicle).
Internal and external causes:
Genetic origin, certain skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema).
How to reduce or eliminate:
There is no curative treatment. It diminishes or disappears spontaneously over time or in summer. However, there are a few solutions to minimise the disease such as the use of emollient care products containing urea in particular and the application of local exfoliating products containing specifically salicylic acid at 10 or 20% (under medical prescription).
Preventative steps to take:
Perform a body/face scrub once a week; moisturise your skin with a non-greasy hydrating cream immediately after showering when your skin is still damp, or as soon as your skin appears dry; use a soap or a shower oil.