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Injection d'acide hyaluronique et rosacée.

Hyaluronic acid injection and rosacea: what are the effects of this aesthetic medicine method on this skin disease?

Initially a benign disease, rosacea is nonetheless a source of discomfort for those affected. Fortunately, in addition to treatments prescribed by dermatologists, solutions exist to reduce facial redness. The injection of hyaluronic acid is sometimes cited as an aesthetic medicine technique that can yield good results. But is this the case? Does this method truly help to alleviate rosacea? Here are some elements of response.

Published February 14, 2024, updated on August 28, 2024, by Pauline, Head of Scientific Communication — 4 min read

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic skin disease that is non-contagious and is characterised by the appearance of redness on the face, particularly on the cheeks, nose, and forehead. These red patches, caused by the dilation of small blood vessels, can be accompanied by skin lesions, tingling, and hot flushes. It is important to treat rosacea as early as possible as it can progress to more severe stages (ocular rosacea, rhinophyma...).

The characteristic redness of rosacea is not constant, as this condition presents itself in periods of flare-ups and remission. Although the exact causes of rosacea are still under study, several works have shown that it predominantly affects fair-skinned women aged between 30 and 50 years. Furthermore, several factors have been identified as contributing to rosacea flare-ups, including heat, consumption of spicy foods, stress, and exposure to the sun. While it is not yet possible to cure rosacea, there are solutions available to reduce facial redness .

How does hyaluronic acid act on rosacea?

Hyaluronic acid is a hydrophilic sugar naturally present in the human body. It is particularly found in muscles and around joints. However, the skin, and more specifically the dermis, remains the primary reservoir. The major function of hyaluronic acid in the skin is toensure its hydration. This molecule contributes to the formation of the dermis' connective tissue and serves as a support for collagen and elastin fibres, thus playing a crucial role in the skin's suppleness and elasticity. Over the years, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid decreases in the body, leading to the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. To counteract this decrease and address the signs of ageing, some aesthetic centres offer injections.

Regarding rosacea, there is currently no evidence that hyaluronic acid injections can alleviate symptoms, unlike other aesthetic medicine methods such as laser or pulsed light. Furthermore, if you suffer from mild rosacea, we recommend you consider hyaluronic acid-based skincare rather than injections. Indeed, cosmetics containing this molecule have shown in various studies a real effectiveness for reducing redness and strengthening the skin barrier.

A recent study has examined the effects of a cream composed of 89% thermal water and 0.4% hyaluronic acid. Over a 30-day period, 20 volunteers suffering from mild rosacea applied this treatment twice daily. At the end of the experiment, clinical evaluations were conducted on erythema, desquamation, papules and pustules, skin dryness, itching, and tingling. The results demonstrated a significant improvement in these various parameters over the 30 days of treatment. Furthermore, skin tolerance was deemed excellent.

Key Takeaway : Skincare treatments containing hyaluronic acid have shown beneficial properties in alleviating mild rosacea. However, when it comes to hyaluronic acid injections, the evidence is still incomplete.


  • TAN J. & al. A Split-Face Study Evaluating the Clinical Advantage, Tolerability and User Satisfaction of a Dermocosmetic in Subjects with Rosacea Associated with Erythema and Sensitive Skin. Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology (2020).

  • AHMED M. A. & co. A review of the cosmetic use and potentially therapeutic significance of hyaluronic acid. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science (2022).


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