Retinol is often hailed as a miracle ingredient for its numerous benefits on the skin, but this popularity has also given rise to many myths. Notably, there is a belief that retinol accelerates skin ageing. But what is the truth?

Does Retinol Cause Ageing?
Practically no. Indeed, a common misconception circulates about retinol that it accelerates skin ageing. This myth is based on the potential irritant effect of retinol. On the contrary, retinol is one of the most widely used and effective active ingredients to minimise the appearance of all visible signs of ageing and sun damage, but also to combat skin conditions such as acne and target areas of pigmentation.
Numerous scientific studies have reported the "anti-wrinkle" effects of retinol through its inhibition of the activation of metalloproteinase-1, an enzyme capable of degrading interstitial collagen, induced by UVA in human skin fibroblasts and by increasing the synthesis of type I collagen in the sub-epidermal dermis in mice. Furthermore, retinol has the ability to stimulate the regeneration of epidermal cells.
KIM B.-H. Safety evaluation and anti-wrinkle effects of retinoids on skin. Toxicological Research (2010).
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