Commonly found on the legs, varicose veins are subcutaneous marks resulting from swollen veins. Unsightly and painful, they often lead to feelings of self-consciousness. Among the natural solutions to this issue, calendula oil is frequently mentioned. Discover in this article whether this botanical extract could be a genuine solution against varicose veins.

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- Calendula oil, a natural remedy for varicose veins?
Calendula oil, a natural remedy for varicose veins?
Between 20 and 35%
of the French population suffer from varicose veins.
18 to 20 million
people in France are suffering from varicose veins.
The effects of calendula oil on varicose veins?
Causing aesthetic discomfort and hindrance in daily activities, varicose veins are abnormal and permanent dilations of the veins, due to a chronic venous disorder. They are most commonly found on the legs, behind the thighs, calves or around the ankles. Varicose veins result from a weakening of the venous wall, often coupled with insufficient venous reflux due to a malfunction of the valves. Age is the primary risk factor for varicose veins. Indeed, they affect approximately 70% of people aged 70, while they are exceptional in children. It should be noted that genetics and a sedentary lifestyle also promote the occurrence of varicose veins. In search of natural solutions, many people turn to calendula oil macerate, rich in bioactive compounds and highly valued for massage, especially on the legs.
If the calendula oil macerate is often recommended to alleviate varicose veins, there is currently no clinical study demonstrating its effectiveness.
On the other hand, when examining the mode of action of calendula oil, certain elements suggest that it could have an effect on varicose veins, such as its inhibitory action on nitric oxide (NO). This latter is produced under the effect of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS), whose overactivity is partly to blame for the onset of varicose veins. Indeed, nitric oxide promotes the accumulation of fluid in tissues by reducing systemic vascular resistance and blood pressure. It also increases vascular permeability and promotes vasodilation phenomena. According to a study in vitro, it appears that the addition of 147 μg/mL of calendula extract can reduce the nitric oxide content in mouse macrophage cells by 50%.
This mechanism of action of the calendula oil macerate could explain its popularity as a natural solution for varicose veins. It is generally recommended to apply a few drops of oil daily to the legs or the area affected by varicose veins, before gently massaging in upward movements to alleviate the sensation of heaviness. Even though it is unlikely to provide a complete solution, daily massages using calendula oil macerate could help to normalise vasomotor function and prevent complications associated with varicose veins, such as ulcers or thrombosis.
It is possible that calendula oil may help to alleviate varicose veins. However, if you wish to completely eliminate them, it is necessary to consult a phlebologist.
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ALMEIDA I. & al. Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Calendula officinalis L. Flower Extract. Cosmetics (2021).
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SEZER F. & al. Natural treatment approaches for varicose veins: A brief review of the literature. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences (2024).
JOSNIN M. Indications, non-indications et mauvaises indications du traitement des varices des membres inférieurs. Journal de Médecine Vasculaire (2024).
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