The green algae, such as Chlorella vulgaris, is increasingly being used in cosmetic skincare due to the benefits attributed to it. But what about its effects on hair? Let's take a closer look.

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- The benefits of green algae for hair?
The benefits of green algae for hair?
Green algae for hair application?
To date, no study has proven any properties of usinggreen algae on hair. However, we can make assumptions about its possible hair benefits.
Indeed, Indah RAYA and her colleagues wished to analyse the antioxidant activity of the Chlorella vulgaris. A cream containing C. vulgaris showed an antioxidant activity of 61.90%, higher than a cream without algae with an activity of 3.46%. C. vulgaris therefore appears to have a antioxidant action, helping to counteract the effects of oxidative stress.
It is believed to have the ability toinhibit lipid peroxidation, that is, their degradation. The high levels of antioxidants found in C. vulgaris, such as carotenoids, astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and flavoxanthin may be responsible for this. During oxidative stress (pollution, tobacco, UV), free radicals are produced. Antioxidants then capture them through the trapping of singlet oxygen.
Several studies have demonstrated that photo-aggravation (oxidation related to UV) of hair ageing involves a drying and stiffening of the hair fibre, linked to the oxidation of lipids. Hair pigments provide photochemical protection for hair proteins, such as keratin, by absorbing and filtering the incident ray, then dissipating this energy as heat.
However, when pigments act to protect these proteins, they themselves can be degraded or discoloured, resulting in white hair. It can be assumed that, through its antioxidant effect and by preventing lipoperoxidation, green algae could protect hair from the impact of oxidative stress. This would result in hair that is less dry and less brittle. Furthermore, it could work by limiting or slowing the onset of white or grey hair through the preservation of hair pigments.
It is important to note that these are only assumptions and there is no scientific evidence of a hair-related effect of green algae.
LEE W. S. Photoaggravation of hair aging. International Journal of Trichology (2009).
RAYA I. & al. Antioxidant activity of Chlorella vulgaris used as an antioxidant cream. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2021).
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