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Tartaric Acid

Naturally found in certain plants, tartaric acid is often used to remove dead cells without harming the skin. Discover the important information about this beneficial active ingredient.
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Can we use tartaric acid every day?

It is advisable to space out the applications of this acid, to avoid irritating the skin.

What is the difference between tartaric acid and glycolic acid?

Tartaric acid is gentler and less irritating than glycolic acid.

Is tartaric acid safe for all skin types?

This acid is suitable for both oily and dry skin types. However, it is not recommended for frequent use on sensitive skin.

Can we combine tartaric acid with other active ingredients?

The tartaric acid can be combined with certain moisturising agents, such as hyaluronic acid or polyglutamic acid.

Is tartaric acid natural?

Tartaric acid is found in several varieties of plants, particularly in antioxidant-rich fruits such as grapes. In cosmetics, both natural and synthetic forms can be used. At Typology, we use naturally sourced tartaric acid.



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