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Les vêtements adaptés pour le psoriasis.

Psoriasis and Clothing: What Outfit Should You Choose?

Similar to other skin conditions, psoriasis causes irritation, typically exacerbated by friction. Moreover, certain materials can prove to be allergenic and irritating to the skin, which greatly intensifies the itching and scratching. To enhance your daily well-being, discover the materials and clothing suitable for psoriasis.

Published October 11, 2023, updated on February 20, 2024, by Manon, Scientific Editor — 4 min read

Psoriasis and Clothing: What are the Risks?

The psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory condition that is not contagious. It progresses in the form of flare-ups over a few weeks, or even a few months, with intermittent remissions.

Psoriasis is the result of an early renewal of the cells of the epidermis, and an accumulation of these cells, leading to a local inflammation. Indeed, immune cells (T lymphocytes) find themselves in the skin for unknown reasons and produce inflammatory molecules (cytokines Il-17, Il-22, TNF-alpha ...) that stimulate the proliferation of keratinocytes. The renewal period of these cells, normally three weeks, then becomes three days. This results in an accumulation of immature keratinocytes on the skin surface, increasing the thickness of the outer layer (the cornea).

The choice of clothing can play a significant role in reducing the discomfort and irritation caused by psoriasis to the extent that it is one of the questions in the DLQI index ( Dermatology Life Quality Index). This index is a questionnaire designed to assess the quality of life of patients affected by dermatological conditions.

What clothes should one wear?

To enjoy uncompromised comfort, it is important to pay attention to the textiles and cuts of clothing, as some can be more damaging to the skin.

  • Opt for natural materials.

    Opt for soft, natural fabrics such as linen, cotton, or silk, especially for socks and underwear. As for the latter, it is preferable to choose seamless and elastic-free versions to avoid the risk of irritation in the groin folds.

    Textiles made from silver fibres are also recommended for psoriatic skin types, as they contain antibacterial, antifungal, and absorbent components. Garments made from hemp fibres are also gentle on the skin. Avoid synthetic materials, whose chemical components are poorly tolerated by this skin type. These include, among others, polyester, acrylic, lycra, viscose, or nylon. Moreover, these fabrics are not very breathable for the skin, which increases perspiration, conducive to the spread of bacteria.

  • Opt for loose and comfortable cuts.

    Patients suffering from psoriasis should wear loose and lightweight clothing. Such attire reduces the risk of potential friction that could cause irritation and facilitates the evaporation of sweat.

  • Wearing long clothing.

    If you have patches of psoriasis on your arms, legs or other parts of the body, opting for long-sleeved clothing and lightweight trousers can help protect the skin from the sun's rays and irritations.

Anti-psoriasis clothing?

Currently, some manufacturers offer clothing for psoriasis. Made from soft, healthy and natural materials, they soothe itching and help to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Fully breathable, they adapt to all seasons. Moreover, they are devoid of labels, seams or other scratchy details. These designs also target friction and promote the absorption of creams and other psoriasis treatments.


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