Informations huile de pracaxi.

Pracaxi Oil: What should you know?

Vegetable oils are often allies in cosmetics for taking care of the skin and hair. Among them, pracaxi oil, thanks to its fatty acid content, exerts moisturising and nourishing benefits at the skin and hair level. Biochemical composition, benefits and precautions for use, discover everything you need to know about pracaxi oil in the following.

A few words on pracaxi oil.

Pracaxi oil is derived from the seeds of the tree Pentaclethra macroloba (Fabaceae), a towering tree that can measure between 30 and 35 metres in height and is akin to a type of mimosa. It is primarily found in South America, particularly in Brazil and Guyana. Generally obtained through cold pressing to preserve all the active ingredients, the extracted pracaxi oil exhibits a light yellow colour and a characteristic odour that is reminiscent of peanuts.

Known by the Amazonian populations, thepracaxi oil has been used for centuries for its alleged benefits on stretch marks and scars. It is even used in traditional medicine in Brazil to help alleviate snake bites. Furthermore, it is also traditionally used for its properties on hair, particularly to facilitate detangling, discipline hair or even define curls for curly hair.

What is pracaxi oil composed of?

Thepracaxi oil is particularly valued in cosmetics for the benefits it provides due to the richness of its composition in active ingredients.

Oleic Acid (Monounsaturated Fatty Acid)40 to 60% Hydrating, anti-inflammatory, healing
Linoleic Acid (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid)15 to 20% Hydrating, nourishing, healing
Behenic Acid (Saturated Fatty Acid)13 to 17% Moisturiser
Stearic Acid (Saturated Fatty Acid)4% Moisturiser
Palmitic Acid (Saturated Fatty Acid)3% Hydrating, nourishing
Myristic Acid (Saturated Fatty Acid)Less than 1% Moisturiser
Arachidonic Acid (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid)Less than 1% Moisturiser
Carotenoids (including β-carotene)Less than 1%Antioxidant
Vitamin E (tocopherol)Less than 1%Antioxidant
PhytosterolsLess than 1%Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant
Composition biochimique de l'huile de pracaxi.

Pracaxi oil: what are the properties of this oil on the skin and hair?

In its pure form or as part of a blend, the pracaxi oil has numerous benefits for the skin. The pracaxi oil is also useful for application on the hair.

  • Pracaxi oil, an oil with healing properties.

    Some studies have demonstrated the positive impact of the topical application of pracaxi oil on the visual appearance of scars. Indeed, its richness in oleic acid could influence the healing process, promoting tissue repair through the increase in the production of a metalloproteinase inhibitor, TIMP1. This inhibitor would act as an anti-inflammatory cytokine.

    Oleic acid is also believed to play a role in the synthesis of type III collagen by fibroblasts, thereby facilitating the formation of granulation tissue. Furthermore, it promotes cellular proliferation and influences the formation of new blood vessels, thus enhancing wound healing.

  • Pracaxi oil for nourishing and hydrating the skin and hair.

    Pracaxi oil has a high content of essential fatty acids, enabling it toaid in strengthening the skin barrier. It contains linoleic acid, which can improve cell cohesion by integrating at the level of the horny layer. It also influences the synthesis of skin lipids, such as ceramides, playing a role in the construction of a fully functional skin barrier. Thus, fatty acids help to prevent skin dryness. Moreover, pracaxi oil is rich in oleic acid, a fatty acid naturally found in the composition of sebum. It works by limiting transepidermal water loss and creating a protective film on the skin surface.

    The moisturising and nourishing properties of pracaxi oil are also beneficial for the hair. Indeed, the various fatty acids present in its composition also ensure the hydration of hair fibres, as well as their protection. They coat each fibre by creating a protective barrier on their surface. They also have the ability to penetrate between the scales of the cuticle, thereby strengthening theimpermeability of the hair fibres and their structure.

  • Pracaxi oil for protecting the skin and hair from the effects of oxidative stress.

    Pracaxi oil has a significant concentration of antioxidants, particularly vitamin E and β-carotene. This composition allows it to act on the skin and hair by combating oxidative stress induced by free radicals, unstable species notably generated following exposure to the sun's UV rays.

    Oxidative stress can lead to several harmful effects on the skin, accelerating the appearance of visible signs of ageing, but also on the hair by contributing to the deterioration of hair fibres or even their loss. Pracaxi oil, when used on the skin or hair, could trap and neutralise free radicals through electron transfer. It would thus help to protect the skin and hair from the devastating effects of oxidative stress.

  • Pracaxi oil, a soothing oil for the skin and scalp.

    Pracaxi oil could be beneficial for soothing the skin and scalp by limiting irritations and associated symptoms, such as itching. Indeed, pracaxi oil is believed to have the ability toinhibit the synthesis of certain pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6).

    Through the oleic acid it contains, it could also promote the production of sirtuin-1 (SIRT1), an enzymatic protein playing a role in preventing inflammation. The use of pracaxi oil on the skin and scalp could help soothe redness and irritation, and would be beneficial for dry and weakened skin and scalps, often subject to feelings of tightness. It is recommended to apply pracaxi oil, diluted within a blend and not pure, on the scalp to avoid making it greasy.

  • Pracaxi oil as a styling oil for textured hair.

    Beyond the hydrating, soothing and antioxidant benefits that pracaxi oil can bring to hair, it is also known for its use in styling. Its richness in fatty acids makes the hair more flexible and shiny, without weighing it down. By strengthening the hair fibres, it could allow for the reduction of frizz and make styling easier. Finally, by ensuring the impermeability of the hair fibres, pracaxi oil makes them shinier and softer. This vegetable oil is a good alternative for people with curly, frizzy or coiled hair to maintain their locks and keep them in good health.

Our nourishing hair oil enriched with pracaxi oil, piqui oil and squalane helps to strengthen dry hair. It protects them from the harmful effects of oxidative stress, thereby restoring their shine and softness.

What are the risks and usage precautions associated with the use of pracaxi oil?

Thepracaxi oil is considered to be relatively safe for health. To date, no cases of intolerance, toxicity or irritation have been reported following the topical application of this oil. Furthermore, its use is not contraindicated in pregnant or breastfeeding women, and in children. However, as a precaution, it is advised to perform a skin test on a small area of the body (inside of the elbow, inner wrist or behind the ear) before extending its application to larger surfaces and observing any potential skin reactions.

Furthermore, certain precautions should be taken with regard to oily or acne-prone skin. Indeed, the data on the comedogenicity of pracaxi oil remains somewhat unclear at present. Lastly, a point of caution should be noted regarding the quality of the oil: a rancid oil may potentially induce adverse effects upon topical application. The comedogenicity of the oil can also be altered following a disruption in its quality.

Therefore, to maintain the optimal quality of the oil, it is necessary to store it properly in an airtight bottle, protected from heat, light, and oxygen, which can degrade it. Moreover, before each use, it is important to perform a quick sensory analysis to ensure that the oil has not turned rancid.



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