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Kale, a new ingredient to combat skin ageing?

Kale, a new ingredient to combat skin ageing?

Skin ageing is a natural process that impacts the functions and structure of the skin. However, certain external factors, primarily free radicals, tend to accelerate this mechanism, leading to the oxidation of the body's cells. Thanks to its composition rich in antioxidants, kale inhibits the action of these molecules and restores the skin's suppleness.

Published June 13, 2023, updated on August 8, 2024, — 3 min read

Understanding Skin Ageing

Skin ageing begins around the age of 25. It is characterised by visible signs, the first of which to appear are the initial wrinkles and fine lines. These marks are generally located in the outer corners of the eye and can form on the cheeks. Deeper wrinkles or nasolabial folds tend to appear between the nose and the mouth.

The ageing of the skin is multifactorial.

The internal causes of ageing

The biological age defines the structural changes in the skin as well as the efficiency of various cellular functions that tend to slow down over the years:

  • The blood supply to the skin

Over time, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the skin's surface diminishes. As a result, the rosy glow gradually fades, giving way to a dull complexion.

  • Genetics

Hereditary factors also play a significant role in skin ageing. Indeed, ethnic origin and skin type influence the rate at which signs of ageing appear on the face. For instance, wrinkles tend to appear prematurely on fair skin, while a predisposition to uneven pigmentation is observed in Asian skin types.

External causes of ageing

Exogenous factors that accelerate the process of skin ageing revolve around one process: oxidative stress. This mechanism results in the release of corrosive molecules, known as free radicals, into the body. According to this theory, skin ageing is linked to an accumulation of damage induced by these free radicals on cells. It's worth noting that a free radical refers to a highly volatile atom or molecule, with an unpaired electron in its outer layer. The majority of them have a high capacity to destroy cellular structures, such as proteins and lipids.

Under normal circumstances, free radicals are neutralised by antioxidants, molecules capable of absorbing them. Over time, this ability diminishes, thereby altering the skin cells. It should be noted that oxidative stress is promoted by several lifestyle habits, such as sun exposure, poor diet, pollution or an inadequate skincare routine.

How does kale combat the signs of ageing?

Preventing skin ageing involves protection against UV rays, which are responsible for oxidative stress. Thanks to its high vitamin C content, kale is an active ingredient with a high antioxidant potential. This trace element is particularly known for its inhibitory power against the effects of cell ageing. Moreover, ascorbic acid significantly contributes to maintaining skin youthfulness and delaying hyperpigmentation.

Kale also contains a significant amount of beta-carotene, a precursor to Vitamin A with the same antioxidant action. This active ingredient also promotes skin hydration, making it less vulnerable to damage from sun exposure. In cosmetics, it protects skin cells from external aggressions and helps to maintain skin elasticity.

On the other hand, kale contains calcium, which is known for its regenerative effects on the body's cells. It contributes to cellular renewal and skin repair.


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