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How to use turmeric?

For centuries, certain plants have been recognised for their culinary and therapeutic properties. Turmeric is one of them. This spice, native to India and Southeast Asia, is used as a food colouring, medicine, and cosmetic. Discover in this article how to use turmeric as a skincare treatment.

Published May 17, 2023, updated on June 10, 2024, by Pauline, Head of Scientific Communication — 6 min read

A few words on turmeric.

The Curcuma longa is among the many species - nearly 80 - of turmeric discovered to date. It is akin to a rhizomatous and perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Zingiberaceae family. From a culinary perspective, the taste of turmeric is slightly bitter, warm, and spicy. When the roots of this plant are ground, a powder is obtained with several benefits for the body and the skin. These properties of turmeric powder come from its biochemical composition, and particularly from curcumin. This is the active principle of turmeric powder, accounting for 8 to 10% of its composition.

  • Slowing down skin ageing: the turmeric has antioxidant properties due to its curcumin. This allows it to fight against free radicals, elements that cause premature ageing of skin cells. Moreover, curcumin inhibits certain biological processes leading to the degradation of collagen and elastin, support fibres of the dermis playing a crucial role in the flexibility and firmness of the skin.

  • Source of radiance for the skin : the action of turmeric revives dull skin and brightens the complexion. It is still the antioxidant properties of curcumin, combined with its ability to inhibit tyrosinase, the enzyme that converts tyrosine into melanin, that are at work. Moreover, turmeric is also used to reduce the appearance of brown spots.

  • Diminishing dark circles: by stimulating blood circulation, curcumin helps to reduce the bluish appearance of vascular dark circles. Furthermore, as previously mentioned, turmeric inhibits certain mechanisms of melanogenesis, which also allows it to act on pigmented dark circles, of a brown colour.

  • Alleviation of symptoms of certain skin diseases : several studies have focused on the therapeutic potential of curcumin on acne, eczema and psoriasis. They all came to the conclusion that due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and healing properties, curcumin could reduce the redness and itching associated with eczema, but also speed up the healing of acne lesions or those caused

  • Benefits to the body : turmeric is recognised for contributing to the smooth operation of numerous bodily functions. It possesses antioxidant properties, helps to protect the joints and to maintain their flexibility and mobility. It also has beneficial effects at the hepatic, digestive, nervous and cardiovascular levels.

In what form should turmeric be used?

Due to its various virtues, turmeric is used in several ways, either taken orally or applied topically.

How to use turmeric for oral consumption?

There exist dietary supplements based on turmeric that are rich in benefits for the body. They are particularly credited with positive effects on the digestion. By promoting the production of bile and its evacuation into the small intestine, turmeric helps to alleviate intestinal disorders. For this, 200 mg capsules are sufficient. Moreover, the antioxidant properties of turmeric make it an excellent shield against oxidative stress , which attacks the body's cells and causes them to age prematurely.

Finally, dietary supplements containing turmeric are often used to combat joint pain. In a recent study conducted on 70 participants suffering from knee arthritis, researchers demonstrated that the daily oral intake of two capsules containing 500 mg of turmeric helped to alleviate arthritic pain.

How to use turmeric in topical application?

Turmeric powder is frequently incorporated into facial masks. These are typically designed to protect the skin from photoaging, restore its radiance or "purify" it. This is indeed the choice we made at Typology, where we have included the turmeric powder (INCI: Curcuma Longa Root Extract) in our radiance mask. This treatment helps to revive the skin's radiance, while combating its natural photoaging. It evens out the complexion and protects the skin from oxidative stress. This mask also has a "purifying" action and refines the skin's texture, application after application.

Note : turmeric can be incorporated into a wide variety of galenic forms in cosmetics, but its use in the form of a mask is the most common.


  • SUDHEER A. & al. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (2007).

  • MAHESHWARI K. & al. Beneficial role of curcumin in skin diseases. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (2007).

  • ANTONY B. & al. Effectiveness of Curcuma longa extract for the treatment of symptoms and effusion-synovitis of knee osteoarthritis : a randomized trial. Annals of Internal Medicine (2020).


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