Hair removal is by no means an obligation. Nevertheless, hair can cause discomfort or unease for some people, who then choose to remove it. The timing of hair removal must be taken into account to slow hair regrowth and limit unpleasant sensations.

Follow the Lunar Calendar for Hair Removal?
- When Is the Best Time for Hair Removal?
- Are There Times When I Shouldn’t Remove Body Hair?
- How Often Should I Epilate Or Wax?
When Is the Best Time for Hair Removal?
According to the hair moon calendar, it's believed that waxing after the full moon slows hair regrowth. In the opposite case, when the moon is rising, the hair will be resistant and grow rapidly. We should point out, however, that there are no scientific studies on following the lunar calendar for hair removal.
You can remove hair in the morning, in the evening or during the day. There really isn't a preferred time for it.
Are There Times When I Shouldn’t Remove Body Hair?
During menstruation, the skin becomes sensitive due to hormonal changes, especially at the start of the cycle. Waxing or epilating with an electric epilator is therefore not recommended, to avoid hyperreactivity of the epidermis and unpleasant or even painful sensations.
In addition, hair removal should be avoided 12 hours before and 12 hours after sun exposure. In fact, sunbathing before waxing increases skin sensitivity and reactivity. This means more pain during epilation. Exposure to the sun after waxing is also a bad idea, as the skin is more sensitive than usual and less well protected from UV rays because it has no hair. The epidermis is weakened and becomes all the more sensitive and receptive to the sun's harmful effects.
How Often Should I Epilate Or Wax?
The answer to this question depends on the area and the hairiness of the subject. Waxing or epilating with an electric epilator pulls out the bulb. The hair thus takes much longer to grow back than when it is simply cut (with a razor or depilatory cream, for example).
In general, hair removal sessions can be spaced 3 to 4 weeks apart. However, this remains an average. Some people may need to epilate every two weeks, while others will space their sessions out by two months.
Understand your skin
and its complex needs.