Soin du visage : l’huile d’amande douce pour effacer les taches brunes ?

Facial care: sweet almond oil to erase brown spots?

Sweet almond oil is particularly recognised as beneficial for dry skin, as well as against stretch marks and photo-ageing of the skin. But what about its effect on brown spots?

The various types of common brown spots on the face.

Pigment spots are caused by a disruption in the pigmentation process (melanogenesis). The melanin, pigment responsible for the natural colouration of the skin, is overproduced in certain areas, leading to the appearance of brown spots. These spots most often appear on the face. However, they can manifest anywhere on the body, particularly on the forearms, décolletage, upper back, backs of the hands, and shoulders. They can affect all skin tones and all skin types. Nevertheless, they appear more frequently in individuals over the age of 40 and in darker phototypes (IV to VI). Sometimes they fade over time, but occasionally they persist for many years.

There are three types of brown spots:

  • Melasma:

    Also referred to as pregnancy mask, brown spots primarily appear on the face due to hormonal fluctuations. They often form during pregnancy, hence their nickname, or also when taking a medicinal treatment that influences the hormonal system.

  • Lentigo:

    Also referred to asage spotsor sun spots, lentigo occurs due to thephoto-ageingof the skin. These brown spots appear on the areas most exposed to the sun's UV rays, namely the back of the hands, the face, the neckline, and the back.

  • Thepost-inflammatory hyperpigmentation :

    Itis a result of an overproduction of melanin following inflammation (injuries, burns, blemishes, acne flare-ups).Even though this phenomenon is generally associated with the appearance of red or even rosy spots, on dark skin, it can cause brown spots.

Is sweet almond oil recognised as effective against pigmentation spots?

Derivedfrom the cold pressing of seeds from the almond tree's fruits, this vegetable oil is almost odourless and has a fluid texture with a greasy touch. It is generally pale yellow in colour, but it can be slightly darker, depending on the production conditions. In cosmetics, its I.N.C.I. name is "Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil".Sweet almond oil is primarily recognised for its moisturising and nourishing properties. It is used to maintain the skin, nails, scalp, and hair. Sweet almond oil is suitable for all skin types. Unlike essential oils, vegetable oils can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

To date, no scientific study has reported any beneficial effects of applying sweet almond oil topically to reduce pigmentation spots.

Nevertheless, thanks to its content of antioxidant compounds (vitamins A and E, phytosterols), when applied daily, this skincare product could prevent the appearance of sunspots. Indeed, the phenomenon known as "oxidative stress" is largely stimulated by UV rays. Oxidative stress causes the deterioration of healthy molecules and compounds in the skin. These are "attacked" by oxygen radical species (free radicals) generated in excess by the sun's UV radiation. Free radicals are particularly unstable compounds due to their unpaired electrons. In cosmetics, certain active ingredients have the ability to stabilise these free radicals by donating an electron, thus making them much less harmful to the skin and preventing the appearance of several deteriorations such as brown spots but also wrinkles, sagging etc... Among these preventive molecules on hyperpigmentation, we find the tocopherol or vitamin E contained in sweet almond vegetable oil.


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