Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease that can manifest at any age. Flare-ups have repercussions on the quality of life of patients. Many wonder if it is possible to permanently cure psoriasis. We answer this question here.

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- Can we cure psoriasis?
Can we cure psoriasis?
In brief, psoriasis.
The psoriasis is a systemic and chronic inflammatory skin eruption. It presents itself as red and thick plaques that flake. Psoriasis is characterised by an excessive renewal and accumulation of the epidermal cells, leading to a local inflammation. This disease tends to affect adults, with a peak onset generally between the ages of 20 and 40.
Histological analyses show an increase in the thickness of the epidermis (acanthosis) and incomplete differentiation of keratinocytes (parakeratosis).Its manifestation is triggered by the combination of several risk factors. These include the immune system, genetic predisposition, and environmental factors. The skin symptoms of psoriasis can affect any area of the body, from the ears to the tongue, including the genital areas.
Psoriasis, a disease that can be cured?
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. This means that the disease progresses over time, can be managed but rarely cured. The psoriasis flare-ups can be treated. However, patients do not have the possibility to permanently cure their disease. The red patches appear, then fade or disappear before recurring.
However, it is possible with current treatments to eliminate psoriasis plaques, leading to long periods of remission. The choice of treatments depends on certain parameters: the type of psoriasis, the extent of the affected area, the psychological impact, the repercussions of psoriasis on the patient's private and professional life, their age and their general health condition.
Often, psoriasis treatments rely on the use of topical applications. Rarely, treatment by injections or orally is prescribed. These are generally reserved for individuals suffering from severe psoriasis.
UHLENHAKE E. E. & al. Conversations on psoriasis – what patients want and what physicians can provide: A qualitative look at patient and physician expectations. Journal of Dermatological Treatment (2010).
SAURAT J. & al. Psoriasis. Dermatologie et Infections Sexuellement Transmissibles (2016).
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