What Effect Does Centella asiatica Have on Skin Aging?

What Effect Does Centella asiatica Have on Skin Aging?

Centella asiatica is an excellent antioxidant that protects the skin from free radical attacks, thus preventing photoaging. Also known as tiger grass, it stimulates the production of collagen, a protein of the dermis that is essential for skin firmness.

Skin Aging, Causes and Definition

Skin aging is an inevitable phenomenon; here are the main intrinsic causes:  

  • The decrease in the rate of cell renewal;

  • The change in the composition of the dermis and the molecules that make it up (hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin ...);

  • The disappearance of fatty and muscular tissue that no longer perform their supportive function.

An unhealthy lifestyle can also accelerate this process (poor diet, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, sun exposure, stress, lack of sleep...).

As a result, wrinkles become deeper, the skin becomes drier, pigment spots and dilated vessels may appear. Moreover, the epidermis changes, becoming thicker or thinner depending on the person.

You can improve your lifestyle to slow down skin aging and/or adjust your skin care routine accordingly. Thus, Centella asiatica is a popular ally to counteract the appearance of signs of aging at an early stage.

Centella asiatica, an Active Ingredient To Slow Down Skin Aging

Native to Asia and Oceania, Centella asiatica, also known as "tiger grass," is a climbing herbaceous plant that belongs to the Apiaceae family. In skincare, Centella asiatica and its benefits is introduced into formulations in the form of powder or vegetable oil. This plant is known for its richness in active molecules such as saponosides (madecassoside, asiaticoside) and triterpenes (asic acid, madecassic acid).

Centella asiatica and its benefits are particularly relevant when applied topically to combat the appearance of signs of aging. Its effectiveness is based on two main effects:

  • Stimulation of collagen production:

Collagen is a fibrous protein found in the dermis that provides suppleness and firmness to the skin. However, over the years, the body's collagen production decreases, leading to sagging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. To counteract this, tiger grass is a true ally, as the active molecules it contains boost collagen synthesis in the skin, thus slowing down the appearance of signs associated with aging.

  • Neutralizing chemical oxygen species and limiting oxidative stress:

Thanks to the phenolic compounds contained in the leaves, roots and petioles, Centella asiatica significantly limits the production of oxygenated chemical species such as free radicals. As a reminder, these unstable and highly reactive molecules are produced by various factors such as sun, pollution, tobacco, etc. They damage a wide range of healthy molecules in the body (DNA, RNA, proteins, etc.) and thus accelerate aging.

Thanks to the combined effect of triterpenes, flavonoids, saponosides and vitamins contained in the leaves, roots and stems, tiger grass promotes tissue regeneration and effectively tackles skin aging.

Sources :

  • BOREL J. P. & al. Stimulation of collagen synthesis in venous and dermis fibroblast cultures by titrated extract from Centella asiaticaConnective Tissue Research (1990).

  • ZAKARIA Z. A. & al., In vitro and in vivo wound healing studies of methanolic fraction of Centella asiatica extract. South African Journal of Botany (2017).


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