Cutaneous Microbiota

The cutaneous microbiota, composed of beneficial protective bacteria, can become unbalanced due to external factors such as the excessive use of harsh cosmetic products, stress, or hormonal changes. When this balance is disrupted, the microorganisms present on the skin can proliferate excessively, leading to skin problems such as acne, eczema, or irritations.
FAQ about cutaneous microbiota
  • What factors can disrupt the skin microbiota?

  • Does the skin microbiota vary across different areas of the body?

  • Is there a link between skin microbiota and eczema?

  • How to rebalance a disrupted skin microbiota?

  • How can I tell if my skin microbiome is unbalanced?

  • Does the skin microbiome vary according to sex?

  • Does the skin microbiome differ with age?



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