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Breastfeeding is a natural practice that offers numerous benefits for both the baby and the mother. It provides the necessary nutrients for the baby and strengthens the mother-child bond. Discover practical tips as well as the benefits of breastfeeding for a fulfilling experience.
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What is the ideal duration for breastfeeding?

The average duration of breastfeeding in France is approximately 4 months. The World Health Organisation (WHO), on the other hand, recommends breastfeeding for around 6 months.

Are there any foods that are prohibited during breastfeeding?

There are no forbidden foods during breastfeeding. As for drinks, the consumption of alcohol and caffeine in large quantities, as well as certain stimulants, is not recommended.

Are there any negative effects of breastfeeding?

In mothers, the breastfeeding process can cause fissures in the chest area, characterised by wounds on the nipple. Some women also experience pain during breastfeeding.

How to prepare for breastfeeding before birth?

The optimal way to prepare for breastfeeding is to attend breastfeeding classes and engage in discussions with healthcare professionals in order to obtain advice on the various positions and breastfeeding rhythms.



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