The choice of sun protection should not be taken lightly. Each skin type reacts differently to UV rays, but everyone needs to be adequately protected. To which skin type does SPF 30 correspond?

SPF 30: Suitable for which skin type?
How to choose your sun cream protection factor?
In order to know which sun protection to choose, you need to know your phototype. This involves determining the sensitivity of your skin when exposed to the sun. Sunburn, burning, tanning or not, these reactions are dictated by your phototype and will determine the sun protection factor you need. The phototype allows you to estimate your ability to tan and your skin's reaction to the sun's rays. There are 6 different phototypes, classified from lighter to darker skin:
Phototypes I: These are very fair, white skins with red or blonde hair, blue or green eyes, and freckles that appear very quickly when exposed. This skin type is vulnerable to UV rays and easily and systematically gets sunburned. Instead of tanning, the skin turns red.
Phototype II:These are fair skins with light brown or blonde hair, blue eyes, and freckles that appear with sun exposure. This skin type burns easily and tans minimally. As a general rule, it is advised for individuals with phototype I and II to avoid excessive sun exposure, especially between noon and 4pm.
Phototype III: These are moderately fair skins with blonde to chestnut hair, brown or hazel eyes, and with few or no freckles. This skin type sometimes gets sunburned and tans gradually. Sun exposure should be cautious and progressive with adequate protections: sunscreen, clothing, hat, and sunglasses.
Phototype IV: This refers to intermediate or olive skin tones with chestnut to brown hair, and brown or hazel eyes. This skin type is less prone to sunburn and tans well.
Phototypes V : These are dark skins, naturally pigmented, with black hair and eyes. Sunburns are rare and tanning is easy. However, exposure should still be gradual. Protective measures need to be reinforced for exposures between noon and 4pm (hat, sunglasses, clothing).
Phototype VI: These are black skins with black hair and eyes. For this skin type, sunburns are exceptional. However, black skin also needs to be protected from the sun to effectively combat the dangers of UV rays. Contrary to popular belief, individuals with phototype VI can suffer the same consequences during sun exposure. Admittedly, their skin does not react like those with a lighter phototype, but they can develop blistering burns in case of prolonged sun exposure.
For which skin tone is SPF30 recommended?
The Sun Protection Factor (SPF) 30 is suitable for skin types III, IV, V and VI. These intermediate skin types are more or less prone to sunburn, but are more vulnerable than skin types V and VI. They are more sensitive to UV rays at the beginning of exposure but tan without too much difficulty afterwards. SPF 30 is particularly suitable when the sun is not at its peak: outings in autumn and spring, morning or late afternoon walks... However, it is not sufficient during long periods of sunbathing on the beach in the middle of summer. Indeed, in cases of intense heat, an SPF50 is recommended. It thus provides enhanced protection against UVB rays.
A few years ago, we believed that only UVB rays were harmful. However, UVA rays, which are far more abundant (accounting for 95% of UV radiation compared to 5% for UVB) and more penetrating, are the cause of accelerated skin ageing and can also be a source of skin cancers. Consequently, it is necessary to adopt a sun care product that has a combination of filters capable of preventing long UVA rays from penetrating the epidermis and dermis. With this in mind, our SPF30 face and body sun creams are equipped with mineral and organic filters providing broad-spectrum protection against not only UVB but also UVA rays.
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and its complex needs.