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Apaiser eczéma nerveux ou émotionnel.

Nervous and Emotional Eczema: How to Soothe it?

Eczema flare-ups can occur as a result of stress or emotion, causing red lesions and itching, sometimes painful. How does nervous eczema manifest itself? And most importantly, how can it be soothed? Discover some elements of the answer here.

Published June 28, 2024, updated on June 28, 2024, by Pauline, Head of Scientific Communication — 5 min read

Nervous Eczema: What is it?

Eczema is a skin condition caused by various internal and external factors. It is characterised by skin dryness, inflammation, and itching. When the red patches and itching are triggered or worsened by psychological factors, it is then referred to as eczema that is nervous or emotional.

From a biological perspective, stress exacerbates skin inflammation by triggering the degranulation of mast cells, immune cells associated with allergic reactions. Certain neuropeptides such as CRH (corticotropin releasing hormone), neurotensin, substance P and other tachykinins are responsible for this degradation. The release of these hormones initiates a series of reactions leading to the release of mediators responsible for itching and vasodilation of vessels in the case of eczema.

Managing stress to soothe emotional eczema.

Stress is ubiquitous in our lives and cannot always be avoided. However, several methods can help to better cope with it, and thus, prevent nervous eczema flare-ups if you are prone to them. To begin with, we recommend adopting a healthy lifestyle, by regularly engaging in physical activity and maintaining a regular sleep pattern as much as possible.

Despite being under-researched due to methodological challenges and the uniqueness of each patient, psychotherapies also appear to have a beneficial role in inflammatory skin conditions. Visiting a psychologist is still not widely normalised today, but when the support of loved ones is no longer enough or a sense of discomfort persists, it can help to improve well-being.

You can also resort to yoga or meditation to lower your stress levels. Both involve deep breathing techniques and focus of attention, which help to reduce the activation of the sympathetic nervous system, responsible for the stress response. Furthermore, yoga and meditation promote a distancing from negative thoughts and stressful emotions, which aids in regaining a more peaceful state of mind.

Please note : these various methods have not directly proven their effectiveness on individuals suffering from nervous eczema, but they generally help to reduce an individual's overall stress level.

Apply an emollient daily.

In addition to better stress management, those prone to emotional eczema are advised to follow the same recommendations as those suffering fromeczema atopic or contact. The first step to take is the daily application of an emollient. This treatment helps to restore the skin barrier by helping to fill the lipid deficiency. This limits the evaporation of water from the skin and the passage of allergens that cause the inflammatory reaction. Emollient balms are treatments formulated to nourish, soften and soothe the skin. They provide a feeling of hydration and comfort and help to limit the intensity and frequency of flare-ups.

Appropriate showers.

To avoid itching and eczema flare-ups, it is recommended to favour gentle, non-irritating cleansing care, preferably containing neither fragrance nor allergens. There are soothing and non-drying cosmetic formulas, specifically designed for people with a atopic or sensitive skin. If in doubt, seek advice from your dermatologist who can guide you towards a suitable product.

When you wash, it is preferable to opt for showers with lukewarm water over baths, in order to reduce the duration of water contact with the skin. Water, particularly hot water, can indeed be drying for the epidermis. It is also recommended for people suffering from eczema to gently dry their skin after showering using a soft and fluffy towel. As rubbing can cause irritation and itching, it is better to perform light patting instead.

Avoid scratching yourself.

A fundamental yet challenging rule to adhere to is to avoid scratching as much as possible, as this risks damaging the skin and exacerbating the lesions ofeczema. To alleviate itching sensations, you can utilisethermal water or certain essential oils, whose anti-inflammatory properties help to soothe the itch. They can be applied directly to the skin through massage or sprayed if they come in a spray form.

Another tip to alleviate itching sensations is to apply cold to the areas of itchiness. Indeed, this is an excellent soothing method. To reap its benefits, apply a cold compress, previously placed in the refrigerator, to the itching areas for about thirty minutes. You can also use ice cubes, provided they are wrapped in a clean cloth. Do not apply ice cubes directly to your skin, as this could cause a burn.


  • ROGUEDAS A. M. et MISERY L. Atopie et stress. Annales de dermatologie et de vénéréologie (2004).

  • GOLDENBERG G. & al. Eczema. The Mount Sinai journal of medicine (2011).

  • YEUNG J. & al. Diagnosis and treatment of pruritus. The College of Family Physicians of Canada (2017).


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