Aloe vera is a plant with numerous benefits that has been used as a cosmetic since ancient times. To this day, the gel extracted from its leaves remains a popular ingredient for formulating skincare products. It is particularly found in products designed to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Is aloe vera gel an effective anti-cellulite agent? That is the question we answer here.

- Carnet
- Active Ingredients
- Is aloe vera gel an anti-cellulite?
Is aloe vera gel an anti-cellulite?
Can aloe vera alleviate cellulite?
Also known as superficial lipodystrophy, cellulite is the result of an abnormal accumulation of fats, water, or toxins in the skin, affecting the structure of the fatty tissues. The resulting inflammation gives the skin an unsightly appearance, similar to that of orange peel. Depending on its cause, we distinguish three types of cellulite : adipose cellulite (excess fat storage), aqueous cellulite (adipose cellulite with water retention) and fibrous cellulite (adipose cellulite with the presence of fibrosis). Generally harmless, it happens that cellulite causes pain, resulting from its densification and the pressure it exerts on the nerve endings.
Cellulite, particularly of the fibrous type, is extremely difficult to eliminate. Therefore, it is preferable to prevent it by adopting a varied diet and engaging in regular physical activity.
The aloe vera gel is a versatile treatment offering multiple benefits for the skin. Among the many properties attributed to it, emphasis is placed on its hydrating power as well as its regenerative and healing effects, making aloe vera a popular choice for promoting the healing of minor wounds. However, to date, there is no evidence of its action on cellulite.
One can only hypothesise that its use in massage could aid in breaking down the adipose tissues that have become densified. Indeed, the so-called kneading technique is a relatively effective massage method against cellulite. It breaks down subcutaneous fat clusters and promotes the melting of fat mass, while stimulating blood and lymphatic circulation. The viscous texture of aloe vera gel facilitates the massage.
Furthermore, its richness in hydrophilic compounds allows it to form a hydrating shield on the surface of the epidermis and to limit insensible water loss. Researchers have indeed demonstrated that when aloe vera gel is applied to the skin, the long-chain mucopolysaccharides it contains polymerise and form a thin semi-permeable film. By softening the skin in this way, it is possible that the aloe vera gel makes it more supple and smooth, thereby reducing the characteristic orange peel effect of cellulite.
KAMINER M. & al. Insights into the pathophysiology of cellulite: a review. Dermatologic Surgery (2020).
PUSHPAKUMARI R. & co. Pharmaceutical, nutritional and cosmetic applications of the Aloe vera plant. International Journal of Herbal Medicine (2021).
TASLEEM G. & al. The Impact of Aloe Vera Gel on Skin and its Pharmacological Properties. Scholars International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology (2022).
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