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Dead Sea Treatment: Effects on Psoriasis?

The Dead Sea is a salt lake located at the lowest point on Earth. Its high salt content bestows skin benefits that could help alleviate psoriasis. This disease, characterised by the presence of red patches covered with scales, can cause itching and irritation. In this article, we will explore the effects of a Dead Sea treatment on psoriasis.

Published September 28, 2023, updated on February 20, 2024, by Manon, Scientific Editor — 3 min read

Dead Sea Treatment: A Natural Solution to Improve Psoriasis

The Dead Sea is located between Israel, the West Bank, and Jordan. This lake is situated 420 metres below the Earth's surface, making the Dead Sea one of the lowest points on the terrestrial surface. These characteristics trigger an evaporation phenomenon that feeds an invisible cloud of sea water vapour, laden with salts and minerals that are directly absorbed by the skin. This invisible cloud, imperceptible to the naked eye, filters UVA and UVB rays. Consequently, the sun plays a therapeutic role without producing harmful effects on the skin.

The Dead Sea is characterised by a remarkably high salinity level exceeding 27% (280 g/L), while the average salinity of seawater typically ranges from 2% to 4%. This salt concentration prevents the survival of fish and many plant species. The lack of rich biodiversity has earned this body of water the name "Dead Sea".

Furthermore, it is rich in calcium, potassium and bromine. These minerals help to soothe psoriasis due to their anti-inflammatory properties. Indeed, certain minerals such as magnesium (Mg) interfere with intracellular signalling pathways and inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory mediators such as pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 or TNF-α) and prostaglandins.

Humidity also promotes desquamation and allows one to fully benefit from the sun's advantages. This process is called hydro-heliotherapy and combines the beneficial effects of sun exposure with those of saltwater baths. Treatments at the Dead Sea also helped to reduce the proliferation of keratinocytes. However, no study has yet demonstrated the effects of the Dead Sea on keratinocytes.

A 3 to 4 week treatment for psoriasis allows 90% of patients to notice a significant improvement in their skin condition, and in 70% of cases, the plaques disappear completely. The average remission period is around 8 months. However, it is necessary to take certain precautions to avoid the side effects of this natural solution.

The precautions to take to ensure the results of the Dead Sea treatment.

It is important to understand that each case of psoriasis is unique and requires an individualised approach. Therefore, a medical consultation is essential in order to tailor the management of the condition according to the patient's skin phototype and the severity of the affliction.

Swimming in the Dead Sea should not exceed 15 minutes. Beyond this, the salt can harm the skin. Moreover, it is forbidden to submerge your head under the water, as there is a risk of severe eye burns. The treatment usually lasts a minimum of three weeks and is ideally carried out between April and October to benefit from the sun's advantages.


  • JOACHIM J. & al. Mécanismes et traitements du psoriasis. La Presse Médicale (2005).

  • Les cures thermales. Association France Psoriasis (2016).


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