Wrinkles form over time and are a natural consequence of skin ageing. Even though no cosmetic can completely eliminate them, certain active ingredients can help to reduce them. Is this the case with cornflower hydrosol? Discover below if there is scientific evidence of its effectiveness on wrinkles.

- Carnet
- Active Ingredients
- Cornflower water: does it have an effect on wrinkles?
Cornflower water: does it have an effect on wrinkles?
Can cornflower hydrosol act on wrinkles?
As we age, wrinkles appear on the face, signs of skin sagging due to a loss of flexibility and elasticity. This phenomenon results from the decrease in the synthesis of collagen and elastin by fibroblasts, which begins around 25-30 years of age. The slowing down of cell renewal also contributes to the thinning and loss of skin tone. In addition, sebum production gradually decreases, leading to a drying out of the epidermis and a degradation of the skin barrier, factors that promote the appearance of wrinkles. Finally, external factors, such as smoking, pollution and UV exposure, exacerbate skin sagging by generating free radicals in skin cells. These unstable molecules damage the DNA and structural proteins of the skin, thus accelerating the process of photoaging.
To date, no scientific study has been conducted on the effect of cornflower water on wrinkles.
However, the cornflower hydrosol possesses an antioxidant activity that could potentially combat the effects of free radicals and thus potentially help to prevent photoaging. This effect comes from its composition, particularly its richness in flavonoids, molecules capable of limiting the action of free radicals and the oxidation of skin cells. The antioxidant activity of cornflower floral water has been particularly highlighted in recent studies that have evaluated its ability to trap the DPPH free radical and ferric metallic ions.
During this study, it was demonstrated that the cornflower extract could act via two distinct mechanisms. Thanks to the numerous hydroxyl groups present in the chemical structure of its phenolic compounds, it can firstly make a hydrogen atom donation, leading to the neutralisation of reactive oxygen species. Furthermore, cornflower extract is capable of trapping ferrous metal ions, which allows the formation of more stable complexes and reduces the phenomenon of lipid peroxidation, likely to deteriorate the lipids present at the level of the skin barrier.
Nevertheless, the antioxidant properties of cornflower hydrosol still require further investigation. Indeed, the aforementioned study was conducted with an aqueous extract of cornflower, obtained through a different extraction method than the hydrosol. Therefore, it could potentially exhibit different properties. That being said, the positive results obtained from the study allow us to hypothesise an antioxidant activity of cornflower floral water, which could help to combat oxidative stress, one of the factors contributing to the formation of wrinkles. This potential action would not only enable this ingredient to prevent skin sagging, but also to protect the skin from external aggressions, thereby slowing down the onset of ageing signs.
Cornflower hydrosol cannot erase wrinkles but could potentially delay their onset.
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