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L'intérêt des tests épicutanés.

The importance of testing cosmetic products before their first use.

It has become common to read on product information sheets or on the skincare product's label itself: "It is advised to perform a skin test before use". But why is it recommended to do this? What does this test involve? How should one go about it?

What is the purpose of testing a cosmetic product?

It is recommended to systematically test one's tolerance to cosmetic products before applying them all over the skin. The main objective is to detect an allergic sensitisation and thus to avoid triggering any adverse skin reactivity. Indeed, numerous agents are capable of triggering an allergy. Each person reacts differently: even if a product is generally well tolerated by the majority of individuals, it can prove to be allergenic for others. One of the most effective techniques is to expose a part of one's skin to the cosmetic product and observe the ensuing reaction.

Cosmetic care test: how should one proceed?

Therefore, we recommend that you take the time to test each new treatment before incorporating them into your daily routine. This will undoubtedly save you from potential unpleasant surprises and the associated disappointment. Here's how to proceed.

  1. In practice, the test is carried out in the crook of the elbow, behind the ear, or on the inner side of the wrist, free from any lesions, and previously cleaned with soap and dried.

  2. Next, take a small amount of the skincare product in question and spread it well over the test area.

  3. Keep it on the skin for at least 24 hours, as indeed a reaction may appear in some cases only after several hours. During this period of time, avoid wetting the area or applying other treatments. Then analyse the area.

Two results will emerge from the test:

  • Positive result: if tingling, redness, localised swelling and/or itching appear on the skin, immediately rinse off the skincare product to remove all traces and discontinue its use. This indicates that you have had an allergic reaction to one or more components present in the skincare product.

  • Negative result: on the other hand, if no changes to the skin have been observed, this indicates that your skin tolerates the skincare product well. However, it is possible that the initial applications on the skin did not trigger any reaction, but skin signs may occur after a variable duration of use.

It is also ideal to take the time to decipher the list of ingredients that make up the cosmetic product before using it. This will allow you to avoid any contact with theallergenic ingredient and thus reduce flare-ups.

Although skin tests are generally considered to be safe, they are in fact associated with certain risks of adverse reactions, including hives, itching, or the appearance of redness on the skin.


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and its complex needs.