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Poppy Seeds

Commonly known as: Papaver Somniferum Seed (I.N.C.I.), Opium Poppy Seeds, Garden Poppy Seeds.
Botanical name: Papaver somniferum.
Extraction process: Precise sieving of poppy seeds.
Family: Papaveraceae.
Part of the plant extracted: Seeds.
Location: Eastern Mediterranean, Asia Minor, North Africa.
Flowering: From May to August.
Provenance, origin: Turkey.
Phytochemical composition: Carbohydrates, minerals (iron, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc and magnesium).
Sensorial properties: Appearance: Seeds and powder; Colour: Blue - Grey; Odour: Characteristic.
Physical characteristics: Density: 5 - 7 g/cm3.
Benefits: Exfoliating, smoothing, unifying.
Concerns: All types of skin and hair.



Facial care (scrubs); Body care (solid soaps, exfoliating gels).

Method of Preservation

Store away from moisture, light, and heat.

Contraindications, Usage Precautions

Poppy seeds do not present any contraindications. They can be used by pregnant and/or breastfeeding women as well as young children. However, it is a powdery product: do not use it near a ventilation source, avoid inhaling it. Keep out of reach of children.

Find out more

Poppy seeds are derived from the opium poppy or garden poppy, a flower that bears a striking resemblance to the poppy. In cosmetic care, they gently exfoliate the skin and scalp thanks to their delicate grains.