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Profile: Palmoplantar Psoriasis

Definition: A specific but not uncommon variety of psoriasis affects exclusively the palms of the hands and/or the soles of the feet. However, the fingers and toes are only minimally affected. The lesions that characterise this condition are extremely dry, inflammatory, thick, fissured, and painful, and may bleed in places. In some cases, they are covered with small blisters (pustules). This form of psoriasis represents 3 to 4% of all psoriasis cases.
Internal and external causes: Genetic factors; immune factors; stressful events; intake of certain medications.
How to reduce or eliminate: Application of a corticosteroid-based ointment; prescription of hydrocolloid dressings in cases of significant and painful lesions; prescription of a retinoid-based treatment (acitretin); treatment by PUVA therapy.
Preventative steps to take: Preferably cleanse with a superfatted soap-free bar; regularly moisturise the skin; choose protective gloves lined with cotton to avoid direct hand contact with detergents (household products); avoid washing too frequently, for too long, or with excessively hot water.